# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # (c) 2009 The University of Glasgow # # This file is part of the GHC build system. # # To understand how the build system works and how to modify it, see # https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/wikis/building/architecture # https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/wikis/building/modifying # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Build Sphinx documentation # We are careful not to use the same directory the doctree files for the # various Sphinx targets as make may run them in parallel (see #10950). define sphinx $(call trace, sphinx($1,$2)) $(call profStart, sphinx($1,$2)) # $1 = dir # $2 = docname $(eval $(call clean-target,$1,sphinx,$1/.doctrees-html/ $1/.doctrees-pdf/ $1/build-html/ $1/build-pdf/ $1/$2.pdf)) # empty "all_$1" target just in case we're not building docs at all $(call all-target,$1,) .PHONY: html_$1 ifeq "$$(phase)" "final" ifeq "$$(BUILD_SPHINX_HTML)" "YES" $(call all-target,$1,html_$1) INSTALL_HTML_DOC_DIRS += $1/build-html/$2 endif endif html_$1 : $1/build-html/$2/index.html html : html_$1 ifneq "$$(BINDIST)" "YES" $1/build-html/$2/index.html: $1/conf.py $$($1_RST_SOURCES) $(SPHINXBUILD) -b html -d $1/.doctrees-html -w $1/.log -n $(SPHINXOPTS) $1 $1/build-html/$2 endif .PHONY: pdf_$1 ifeq "$$(phase)" "final" ifeq "$$(BUILD_SPHINX_PDF)" "YES" $(call all-target,$1,pdf_$1) INSTALL_DOCS += $1/$2.pdf endif endif pdf_$1 : $1/$2.pdf pdf : pdf_$1 ifneq "$$(BINDIST)" "YES" # N.B. If we don't redirect latex output to /dev/null then we end up with literally # 30% of the build output being warnings, even in a successful build. However, # to make sure that we don't silence errors we allow each xelatex invocation # besides the last to fail. $1/$2.pdf: $1/conf.py $$($1_RST_SOURCES) $(SPHINXBUILD) -b latex -d $1/.doctrees-pdf -w $1/.log -n $(SPHINXOPTS) $1 $1/build-pdf/$2 cd $1/build-pdf/$2 ; $(XELATEX) -halt-on-error $2.tex 2>/dev/null >/dev/null || true cd $1/build-pdf/$2 ; $(XELATEX) -halt-on-error $2.tex 2>/dev/null >/dev/null || true cd $1/build-pdf/$2 ; $(XELATEX) -halt-on-error $2.tex 2>/dev/null >/dev/null || true cd $1/build-pdf/$2 ; $(MAKEINDEX) -s python.ist $2.idx cd $1/build-pdf/$2 ; $(XELATEX) -halt-on-error $2.tex 2>/dev/null >/dev/null || true cd $1/build-pdf/$2 ; $(XELATEX) -halt-on-error $2.tex cp $1/build-pdf/$2/$2.pdf $1/$2.pdf endif $(call profEnd, sphinx($1,$2)) endef