#!/usr/bin/env perl

use warnings;
use strict;
use Cwd;
use English;

$| = 1; # autoflush stdout after each print, to avoid output after die

my $initial_working_directory;

my $default_root;
my @packages;
my $verbose = 2;
my $try_to_resume = 0;
my $ignore_failure = 0;
my $checked_out_flag = 0; # NOT the opposite of bare_flag (describes remote repo state)
my $bare_flag = ""; # NOT the opposite of checked_out_flag (describes local repo state)

my %tags;

my $GITHUB = qr!(?:git@|git://|https://|http://|ssh://git@)github.com!;

sub inDir {
    my $dir = shift;
    my $code = shift;

    if ($dir ne '.') {

    my $result = &$code();

    if ($dir ne '.') {
    return $result;

sub parsePackages {
    my @repos;
    my $lineNum;

    open IN, "< packages.conf"
        or open IN, "< packages" # clashes with packages directory when using --bare
        or die "Can't open packages file (or packages.conf)";
    @repos = <IN>;
    close IN;

    @packages = ();
    $lineNum = 0;
    foreach (@repos) {
        if (/^([^# ]+) +([^ ]+) +([^ ]+) +([^ ]+)$/) {
            my %line;
            $line{"localpath"}  = $1;
            $line{"tag"}        = $2;
            $line{"remotepath"} = $3;
            $line{"upstreamurl"}= $4;
            push @packages, \%line;

            $tags{$2} = 0;
        elsif (! /^(#.*)?$/) {
            die "Bad content on line $lineNum of packages file: $_";

sub message {
    if ($verbose >= 2) {
        print "@_\n";

sub warning {
    if ($verbose >= 1) {
        print "warning: @_\n";

sub gitNewWorkdir {
    my $dir = shift;
    my $target = shift;
    my $target_dir = "$target/$dir";

    if ($dir eq '.') {
        message "== running git-new-workdir . $target_dir @_";
    } else {
        message "== $dir: running git-new-workdir . $target_dir @_";

    system ("git-new-workdir", ".", $target_dir, @_) == 0
        or $ignore_failure
        or die "git-new-workdir failed: $?";

    if ($dir ne '.') {

sub git {
    my $dir = shift;
    my @args = @_;

    &inDir($dir, sub {
        my $prefix = $dir eq '.' ? "" : "$dir: ";
        message "== ${prefix}running git @args";

        system ("git", @args) == 0
            or $ignore_failure
            or die "git failed: $?";

sub readgitline {
    my $dir = shift;
    my @args = @_;

    &inDir($dir, sub {
        open my $fh, '-|', 'git', @args
            or die "Executing git @args failed: $!";
        my $line = <$fh>;
        $line = "" unless defined($line);
        chomp $line;
        close $fh;
        return $line;

sub readgit {
    my $dir = shift;
    my @args = @_;

    &inDir($dir, sub {
        open my $fh, '-|', 'git', @args
            or die "Executing git @args failed: $!";
        my $ret;
        $ret .= $_ while <$fh>;
        close $fh;
        return $ret;

sub configure_repository {
    my $localpath = shift;

    &git($localpath, "config", "core.ignorecase", "true");

    my $autocrlf = &readgitline($localpath, 'config', '--get', 'core.autocrlf');
    if ($autocrlf eq "true") {
        &git($localpath, "config", "core.autocrlf", "false");
        &git($localpath, "reset", "--hard");

# Figure out where to get the other repositories from.
sub getrepo {
    my $repo;

    if ($default_root) {
        $repo = $default_root;
    } else {
        # Figure out where to get the other repositories from,
        # based on where this GHC repository came from.
        my $git_dir = $bare_flag ? "ghc.git" : ".";
        my $branch = &readgitline($git_dir, "rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD");
        die "Bad branch: $branch"
            unless $branch =~ m!^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9./-]*$!;
        my $remote = &readgitline($git_dir, "config", "--get", "branch.$branch.remote");
        if ($remote eq "") {
            # remotes are not mandatory for branches (e.g. not recorded by default for bare repos)
            $remote = "origin";
        die "Bad remote: $remote"
            unless $remote =~ m!^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9./-]*$!;
        $repo = &readgitline($git_dir, "config", "--get", "remote.$remote.url");

    my $remote_root;
    my $checked_out_tree;
    my $repo_local = 0;

    if ($repo =~ /^...*:/) {
        # HTTP or SSH
        # Above regex says "at least two chars before the :", to avoid
        # catching Win32 drives ("C:\").
        $remote_root = $repo;

        # --checked-out is needed if you want to use a checked-out
        # repository over SSH or HTTP
        $checked_out_tree = $checked_out_flag;

        # Don't drop the last part of the path if specified with -r, as
        # it expects repos of the form:
        #   git://git.haskell.org
        # rather than
        #   git://git.haskell.org/ghc.git
        if (!$default_root) {
            $remote_root =~ s#/[^/]+/?$##;
    elsif ($repo =~ /^\/|\.\.\/|.:(\/|\\)/) {
        # Local filesystem, either absolute (C:/ or /) or relative (../) path
        $repo_local = 1;
        $remote_root = $repo;
        if (-f "$repo/HEAD") {
            # assume a local mirror:
            $checked_out_tree = 0;
            $remote_root =~ s#/[^/]+/?$##;
        } elsif (-d "$repo/ghc.git") {
            # assume a local mirror:
            $checked_out_tree = 0;
        } else {
            # assume a checked-out tree:
            $checked_out_tree = 1;
    else {
        die "Couldn't work out root of remote repository tree";

    return $remote_root, $checked_out_tree, $repo_local;

sub gitall {
    my $command = shift;

    my $localpath;
    my $tag;
    my $remotepath;
    my $line;
    my $repo_is_submodule;
    my $remote_name;
    my $subcommand;

    my $path;

    my @args;

    my $started;
    my $doing;
    my $start_repo;

    my ($remote_root, $checked_out_tree, $repo_local) = getrepo();

    my $is_github_repo = $remote_root =~ $GITHUB;

    @args = ();

    if ($command =~ /^remote$/) {
        while (@_ > 0 && $_[0] =~ /^-/) {
        if (@_ < 1) { help(1); }
        $subcommand = shift;
        if ($subcommand ne 'add' &&
            $subcommand ne 'rm' &&
            $subcommand ne 'set-branches' &&
            $subcommand ne 'set-url') {
        while (@_ > 0 && $_[0] =~ /^-/) {
        if (($subcommand eq 'set-branches') && @_ < 2) {
        } elsif (($subcommand eq 'add' || $subcommand eq 'rm') && @_ < 1) {
        } elsif (@_ < 1) { # set-url
            $remote_name = 'origin';
        } else {
            $remote_name = shift;
    } elsif ($command eq 'new') {
        if (@_ < 1) {
            $remote_name = 'origin';
        } else {
            $remote_name = shift;

    push(@args, @_);

    # $doing is a good enough approximation to what we are doing that
    # we can use it to check that --resume is resuming the right command
    $doing = join(" ", ($command, @args));
    $started = 1;
    if ($try_to_resume && -f "resume") {
        my $what;
        open RESUME, "< resume"
            or die "Can't open resume file";
        $start_repo = <RESUME>;
        chomp $start_repo;
        $what = <RESUME>;
        chomp $what;
        close RESUME;
        if ($what eq $doing) {
            $started = 0;

    for $line (@packages) {
        $tag        = $$line{"tag"};
        if ($tags{$tag} == 0) {

        # Use the "remote" structure for bare git repositories
        $localpath  = ($bare_flag) ?
                      $$line{"remotepath"} : $$line{"localpath"};

        if (!$started) {
            if ($start_repo eq $localpath) {
                $started = 1;
            else {

        open RESUME, "> resume.tmp";
        print RESUME "$localpath\n";
        print RESUME "$doing\n";
        close RESUME;
        rename "resume.tmp", "resume";

        $repo_is_submodule = $$line{"remotepath"} eq "-";

        if ($checked_out_tree) {
            $remotepath = $$line{"localpath"};
        elsif ($repo_is_submodule) {
            $remotepath = &readgitline(".", 'config', '-f', '.gitmodules', '--get', "submodule.$localpath.url");
            $remotepath =~ s/\.\.\///;
        else {
            $remotepath = $$line{"remotepath"};

        # We can't create directories on GitHub, so we translate
        # "packages/foo" into "package-foo".
        if ($is_github_repo) {
            $remotepath =~ s/\//-/;

        # Construct the path or url of the remote repository.
        $path = "$remote_root/$remotepath";

        if ($command eq "get") {
            next if $repo_is_submodule; # "git submodule init/update" will get this later

            if (-d $localpath) {
                warning("$localpath already present; omitting")
                    if $localpath ne ".";

            # Note that we use "." as the path, as $localpath
            # doesn't exist yet.
            my @argsWithBare = @args;
            push @argsWithBare, $bare_flag if $bare_flag;
            &git(".", "clone", $path, $localpath, @argsWithBare);

        my $git_repo_present = 1 if -e "$localpath/.git" || ($bare_flag && -d "$localpath");
        if (not $git_repo_present) {
            if ($tag eq "-") {
                die "Required repo $localpath is missing. Please first run './sync-all get'.\n";
            else {
                 message "== $localpath repo not present; skipping";

        # Work out the arguments we should give to the SCM
        if ($command eq "status") {
            &git($localpath, $command, @args);
        elsif ($command eq "commit") {
            # git fails if there is nothing to commit, so ignore failures
            $ignore_failure = 1;
            &git($localpath, "commit", @args);
        elsif ($command eq "check_submodules") {
            # If we have a submodule then check whether it is up-to-date
            if ($repo_is_submodule) {
                my %remote_heads;

                message "== Checking sub-module $localpath";


                open my $lsremote, '-|', 'git', 'ls-remote', '--heads', '-q'
                    or die "Executing ls-remote failed: $!";
                while (<$lsremote>) {
                    if (/^([0-9a-f]{40})\s*refs\/heads\//) {
                        $remote_heads{$1} = 1;
                    else {
                        die "Bad output from ls-remote: $_";

                my $myhead = &readgitline('.', 'rev-parse', '--verify', 'HEAD');

                if (not defined($remote_heads{$myhead})) {
                    die "Sub module $localpath needs to be pushed; see http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Repositories/Upstream";
        elsif ($command eq "push") {
            # We don't automatically push to the submodules. If you want
            # to push to them then you need to use a special command, as
            # described on
            # http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Repositories/Upstream
            if (!$repo_is_submodule) {
                &git($localpath, "push", @args);
        elsif ($command eq "pull") {
            my $realcmd;
            my @realargs;
            if ($repo_is_submodule) {
                # Only fetch for the submodules. "git submodule update"
                # will take care of making us point to the right commit.
                $realcmd = "fetch";
                # we like "sync-all pull --rebase" to work:
                @realargs = grep(!/--rebase/,@args);
            else {
                $realcmd = "pull";
                @realargs = @args;
            &git($localpath, $realcmd, @realargs);
        elsif ($command eq "new-workdir") {
            gitNewWorkdir ($localpath, @args);
        elsif ($command eq "send") {
            &git($localpath, $command, @args);
        elsif ($command eq "fetch") {
            &git($localpath, "fetch", @args);
        elsif ($command eq "new") {
            my @scm_args = ("log", "$remote_name..");
            &git($localpath, @scm_args, @args);
        elsif ($command eq "log") {
            &git($localpath, "log", @args);
        elsif ($command eq "remote") {
            my @scm_args;
            $ignore_failure = 1;
            if ($subcommand eq 'add') {
                @scm_args = ("remote", "add", $remote_name, $path);
            } elsif ($subcommand eq 'rm') {
                @scm_args = ("remote", "rm", $remote_name);
            } elsif ($subcommand eq 'set-branches') {
                @scm_args = ("remote", "set-branches", $remote_name);
            } elsif ($subcommand eq 'set-url') {
                @scm_args = ("remote", "set-url", $remote_name, $path);
            &git($localpath, @scm_args, @args);
        elsif ($command eq "checkout") {
            # Not all repos are necessarily branched, so ignore failure
            $ignore_failure = 1;
            &git($localpath, "checkout", @args);
        elsif ($command eq "grep") {
            # Hack around 'git grep' failing if there are no matches
            $ignore_failure = 1;
            &git($localpath, "grep", @args);
        elsif ($command eq "diff") {
            &git($localpath, "diff", @args);
        elsif ($command eq "clean") {
            &git($localpath, "clean", @args);
        elsif ($command eq "reset") {
            &git($localpath, "reset", @args);
        elsif ($command eq "branch") {
            &git($localpath, "branch", @args);
        elsif ($command eq "config") {
            &git($localpath, "config", @args);
        elsif ($command eq "repack") {
            &git($localpath, "repack", @args);
        elsif ($command eq "format-patch") {
            &git($localpath, "format-patch", @args);
        elsif ($command eq "gc") {
            &git($localpath, "gc", @args);
        elsif ($command eq "tag") {
            &git($localpath, "tag", @args);
        elsif ($command eq "compare") {
            # Don't compare the submodules; it doesn't work properly as
            # they aren't on a branch.
            next if $repo_is_submodule;

            my $compareto;
            if ($#args eq -1) {
                $compareto = $path;
            elsif ($#args eq 0) {
                $compareto = "$args[0]/$localpath";
            elsif ($#args eq 1 && $args[0] eq "-b") {
                $compareto = "$args[1]/$remotepath";
            else {
                die "Bad args for compare";
            printf "%*s", -40, $localpath;
            my $branch = &readgitline($localpath, "rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD");
            die "Bad branch: $branch"
                unless $branch =~ m!^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9./-]*$!;
            my $us   = &readgitline(".", "ls-remote", $localpath, "refs/heads/$branch");
            my $them = &readgitline(".", "ls-remote", $compareto, "refs/heads/$branch");
            $us   =~ s/[[:space:]].*//;
            $them =~ s/[[:space:]].*//;
            die "Bad commit of mine: $us"     unless (length($us)   eq 40);
            die "Bad commit of theirs: $them" unless (length($them) eq 40);
            print $us eq $them ? "same" : "DIFFERENT", "\n";
        else {
            die "Unknown command: $command";

    unlink "resume", "resume.tmp";

sub gitInitSubmodules {
    &git(".", "submodule", "init", @_);

    my ($remote_root, $checked_out_tree, $repo_local) = getrepo();

    my $submodulespaths = &readgit(".", "config", "--get-regexp", "^submodule[.].*[.]url");
    # if we came from github, change the urls appropriately
    while ($submodulespaths =~ m!^(submodule.(?:libraries/|utils/)?[a-zA-Z0-9-]+.url) ($GITHUB)/ghc/packages/([a-zA-Z0-9-]+).git$!gm) {
        &git(".", "config", $1, "$2/ghc/packages-$3");

    # if we came from a local repository, grab our submodules from their
    # checkouts over there, if they exist.
    if ($repo_local) {
        while ($submodulespaths =~ m!^(submodule.((?:libraries/|utils/)?[a-zA-Z0-9-]+).url) .*$!gm) {
            if (-e "$remote_root/$2/.git") {
                &git(".", "config", $1, "$remote_root/$2");

sub checkCurrentBranchIsMaster {
    my $branch = &readgitline(".", "rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD");

    if ($branch !~ /master/) {
        print "\nWarning: You are trying to 'pull' while on branch '$branch'.\n"
            . "Updates to this script will happen on the master branch which\n"
            . "means the version on this branch may be out of date.\n\n";

sub help
        my $exit = shift;

        my $tags = join ' ', sort (grep !/^-$/, keys %tags);

        print <<END;

./sync-all [-q] [-s] [--ignore-failure] [-r remote-root] [--checked-out]
           [--bare] [--<tag>] [--no-<tag>] [--resume] cmd [git flags]

    where <tag> is one of: $tags

Applies the command "cmd" to each repository and submodule in the local

A full repository tree is obtained by first cloning the ghc repository,
then getting the subrepositories and submodules with "sync-all get":

  \$ git clone git://git.haskell.org/ghc.git
  \$ cd ghc
  \$ ./sync-all get

After this, "./sync-all pull" will pull from the original repository

If you want to clone your own GitHub fork instead, add an argument to
sync-all to tell it where it can find the other repositories it needs.

  \$ git clone <your preferred github.com GHC fork URL> ghc
  \$ cd ghc
  \$ ./sync-all -r git://github.com/ghc get

Another commonly used feature is to add remotes pointing to another
repository tree like this:

  \$ ./sync-all -r /path/to/other/ghc remote add otherghc

and then to pull from that other tree with

  \$ ./sync-all pull otherghc

-------------- Commands -----------------

    Gets all subrepositories and submodules from the same place that the
    ghc repository was cloned from. See "layout of remote tree" below
    for details of how the subrepositories and submodules are laid

    There are various --<package-tag> options that can be given before
    "get" that enable extra subrepositories. The full list is given at
    the end of this help. For example:

    ./sync-all --nofib get

    would get the nofib subrepository in addition to the usual set of
    subrepositories and submodules.

remote [-r remote-root] add <remote-name>
remote rm <remote-name>
remote [-r remote-root] set-url [--push] <remote-name>
remote set-branches <remote-name> <branch>...

    Runs a "git remote" command on each repository and submodule in the
    local tree. For the "add" and "set-url" subcommands, the url the
    remotes will point to are adjusted according to the inferred layout
    of the remote tree (see "layout of remote tree" below). For example,
    to add new remotes pointing to the repositories on GitHub:

    ./sync-all -r git://github.com/ghc remote add github

    The <remote-root> should be the root of a repository tree (see
    "layout of remote tree" below). For a checked-out tree it would
    point to the ghc directory, otherwise it points to a directory
    containing "ghc.git".

compare <remote-root>
compare -b <remote-root>

    Compare the git HEADs of the repositories to the origin
    repositories, or the repositories under <remote-root> (which is
    assumed to be a checked-out tree unless the -b flag is used).

    1 line is printed for each repository, indicating whether the
    repository is at the "same" or a "DIFFERENT" commit.

These commands just run the equivalent git command on each repository
and submodule, passing any extra arguments to git:


-------------- Flags -------------------

These flags are given *before* the command and modify the way sync-all
behaves. Flags given *after* the command are passed to git.

  -q says to be quiet, and -s to be silent.

  --resume will restart a command that failed, from the repository or
  submodule at which it failed. This means you don't need to wait while,
  e.g., "pull" goes through all the repositories it's just pulled, and
  tries to pull them again.

  --ignore-failure says to ignore errors and move on to the next
  repository or submodule

  -r <remote-root> says that the remote repository tree can be found at
  <remote-root>, instead of where this GHC repository came from. Only
  useful in combination with 'sync-all get' and 'sync-all remote'.

  --checked-out says that the remote repositories are a checked-out
  tree, as opposed to a collection of bare repositories. By default a
  repository on the local filesystem is assumed to be
  checked-out, and repositories accessed via HTTP or SSH are assumed to
  be bare; use --checked-out to override the latter.

  --bare says that the local repo is in bare layout, same as the main repo. It
  also means that these repos are bare. You only have to use this flag if you
  don't have a bare ghc.git in the current directory and would like to 'get'
  all of the repos bare. Requires packages.conf to be present in the current
  directory (a renamed packages file from the main ghc repo).

  Note: --checked-out and --bare flags are NOT the opposite of each other.
        --checked-out: describes the layout of the remote repository tree.
        --bare:        describes the layout of the local repository tree.

  --nofib also clones the nofib benchmark suite

  --extra clones some extra library packages (see the packages file for
  the current list)

  --windows also clones the ghc-tarballs repository (enabled by default
  on Windows)

  --no-dph avoids cloning the dph repositories

------------ Checking out a branch -------------

To check out a branch you can run the following command:

  \$ ./sync-all checkout ghc-7.4

------------ Layout of remote tree -------------

sync-all uses the following algorithm to guess the layout of the remote

It always computes the urls or paths of the remote repositories from a
single root, <remote-root>. If you say "-r <remote-root>", then that sets
<remote-root>. Otherwise, <remote-root> is inferred by asking git where
the local ghc repository came from, and removing the last component
(e.g. /ghc.git). The last component is not removed when the
remote repository is checked-out (appears to be on the local filesystem
or the flag --checked-out is given).

Then sync-all iterates over the repositories found in the file packages;
see that file for a description of the contents.

If <remote-root> looks like a local filesystem path, or if you give the
--checked-out flag, sync-all works on remote repositories of form:


Otherwise, if a particular repository is a submodule, sync-all uses:


Else, sync-all works on remote repositories of form:


In these, <local-path> and <remote-path> are taken from the packages
file, and <submodule-url> is taken from the file .gitmodules.

Besides all this, there is special handling for GitHub links.

This logic lets you say
  both    sync-all -r http://example.org/ghc-6.12 remote add ghc-6.12
  and     sync-all -r ../working remote add working

Available package-tags are: $tags

        exit $exit;

sub main {


    $tags{"-"} = 1;
    $tags{"dph"} = 1;
    if ($OSNAME =~ /^(MSWin32|Cygwin|msys)$/) {
        $tags{"windows"} = 1;

    while ($#_ ne -1) {
        my $arg = shift;
        # We handle -q here as well as lower down as we need to skip over it
        # if it comes before the source-control command
        if ($arg eq "-q") {
            $verbose = 1;
        elsif ($arg eq "-s") {
            $verbose = 0;
        elsif ($arg eq "-r") {
            $default_root = shift;
        elsif ($arg eq "--resume") {
            $try_to_resume = 1;
        elsif ($arg eq "--ignore-failure") {
            $ignore_failure = 1;
        # Use --checked-out if the _remote_ repositories are a
        # checked-out tree, rather than a collection of bare
        # repositories.
        elsif ($arg eq "--checked-out") {
            $checked_out_flag = 1;
        # Use --bare if the _local_ repos are bare repos,
        # rather than a checked-out tree.
        elsif ($arg eq "--bare") {
            $bare_flag = $arg;
        elsif ($arg eq "--help") {
        # --<tag> says we grab the libs tagged 'tag' with
        # 'get'. It has no effect on the other commands.
        elsif ($arg =~ m/^--no-(.*)$/ && defined($tags{$1})) {
            $tags{$1} = 0;
        elsif ($arg =~ m/^--(.*)$/ && defined($tags{$1})) {
            $tags{$1} = 1;
        elsif ($arg =~ m/^-/) {
            die "Unrecognised flag: $arg";
        else {
            unshift @_, $arg;
            if (grep /^-q$/, @_) {
                $verbose = 1;

    # check for ghc repositories in cwd
    my $checked_out_found = 1 if (-d ".git" && -d "compiler");
    my $bare_found = 1 if (-d "ghc.git");

    if ($bare_flag && ! $bare_found && ! $default_root) {
        die "error: bare repository ghc.git not found.\n"
          . "       Either clone a bare ghc repo first or specify the repo location. E.g.:\n"
          . "       ./sync-all --bare [--nofib --extra] -r http://git.haskell.org get\n"
    elsif ($bare_found) {
        $bare_flag = "--bare";
    elsif (! $bare_flag && ! $checked_out_found) {
        die "error: sync-all must be run from the top level of the ghc tree.";

    if ($#_ eq -1) {
    else {
        # Give the command and rest of the arguments to the main loop
        # We normalise command names here to avoid duplicating the
        # abbreviations that we allow.
        my $command = shift;

        if ($command =~ /^(?:g|ge|get)$/) {
            $command = "get";
        elsif ($command =~ /^(?:pus|push)$/) {
            $command = "push";
        elsif ($command =~ /^(?:pul|pull)$/) {
            $command = "pull";
        elsif ($command =~ /^(?:s|se|sen|send|send-email)$/) {
            $command = "send-email";
        elsif ($command =~ /^(?:w|wh|wha|what|whats|whatsn|whatsne|whatsnew|status)$/) {
            $command = "status";

        if ($command eq "push") {
            &gitall("check_submodules", @_);

        &gitall($command, @_);

        my @submodule_args = grep(/^-q/,@_);

        if ($command eq "get") {

        if ($command eq "get" or $command eq "pull") {
            &git(".", "submodule", "update", @submodule_args);

    my %argvHash = map { $_, 1 } @ARGV;
    if ($argvHash {"pull"}) {
    $initial_working_directory = getcwd();

    my @obsolete_dirs = qw!
    for my $dir (@obsolete_dirs) {
        if (-e "$dir/.git") {
            print <<EOF;

You have a left-over $dir/.git folder in your GHC tree!

Please backup or remove it (e.g. "rm -r $dir/.git") before
proceeding as the aforesaid Git repository is now tracked as part of
the ghc Git repository (see #8545 for more details)
            die "detected obsolete $dir/.git folder"

    my $ec = $?;


    my @obsolete_dirs = (
        ["utils/haddock",    "87e2ca11c3d1b1bc49900fba0b5c5c6f85650718"],
        ["libraries/binary", "749ac0efbde3b14901417364a872796598747aaf"],
        ["libraries/mtl",    "c67d8f7247c612dc35242bc67e616f7ea35eadb9"],
        ["libraries/Cabal",  "c8ebd66a32865f72ae03ee0663c62df3d77f08fe"],
    for (@obsolete_dirs) {
        my ($dir, $hash) = @$_;
        my ($name) = $dir =~ m!/([^/]+)$!;
        message "== Checking for old $name repo";
        if (-e "$dir/.git") {
            &inDir($dir, sub {
                if ((system "git log -1 --quiet $hash > /dev/null 2> /dev/null") == 0) {
                    print <<EOF;

You have an old $name repository in your GHC tree!

Please remove it (e.g. "rm -r $dir"), and then run
"./sync-all get" to get the new repository.
    message "== Checking for old time from tarball";
    if (-f "libraries/time/LICENSE" and ! -e "libraries/time/.git") {
            print <<EOF;

You have an old time repository in your GHC tree!

Please remove it (e.g. "rm -r libraries/time"), and then run
"./sync-all get" to get the new repository.

    message "== Checking for obsolete Git repository URL";
    my $repo_url = &readgitline(".", 'config', '--get', 'remote.origin.url');
    if ($repo_url =~ /^http:\/\/darcs.haskell.org/) {
            print <<EOF;

You seem to be using obsolete Git repository URLs.

Please run

  ./sync-all -r git://git.haskell.org remote set-url

or (in case port 9418/tcp is filtered by your firewall)

  ./sync-all -r http://git.haskell.org remote set-url

to update your local checkout to use the new Git URLs.

    $? = $ec;
