[1 of 3] Processing f Instantiating f [1 of 1] Compiling F ( f/F.hs, bkp36.out/f/F.o ) [2 of 3] Processing p [1 of 2] Compiling A[sig] ( p/A.hsig, nothing ) [2 of 2] Compiling P ( p/P.hs, nothing ) [3 of 3] Processing q [1 of 2] Compiling B[sig] ( q/B.hsig, nothing ) [2 of 2] Compiling Q ( q/Q.hs, nothing ) bkp36.bkp:20:16: warning: [-Wdeprecations (in -Wdefault)] In the use of type constructor or class ‘T’ (imported from B): "Inherited requirements from non-signature libraries (libraries with modules) should not be used, as this mode of use is not compatible with PVP-style version bounds. Instead, copy the declaration to the local hsig file or move the signature to a library of its own and add that library as a dependency."