[1 of 3] Processing q [1 of 2] Compiling M1 ( q/M1.hs, nothing ) [2 of 2] Compiling M2[sig] ( q/M2.hsig, nothing ) [2 of 3] Processing m2 Instantiating m2 [1 of 1] Compiling M2 ( m2/M2.hs, nothing ) [3 of 3] Processing p Instantiating p [1 of 1] Including q[M2=m2:M2] Instantiating q[M2=m2:M2] [1 of 2] Compiling M1 ( q/M1.hs, nothing ) [2 of 2] Compiling M2[sig] ( q/M2.hsig, nothing ) bkpfail03.bkp:3:9: error: • The hsig file (re)exports ‘M1.M’ but the implementing module exports a different identifier ‘M2.M’ • while checking that m2:M2 implements signature M2 in q[M2=m2:M2]