{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} import CoreSyn import CoreUtils import Id import Type import MkCore import CallArity (callArityRHS) import MkId import SysTools import DynFlags import ErrUtils import Outputable import TysWiredIn import Literal import GHC import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class import System.Environment( getArgs ) import VarSet import PprCore import Unique import CoreLint import FastString -- Build IDs. use mkTemplateLocal, more predictable than proper uniques go, go2, x, d, n, y, z, scrut :: Id [go, go2, x,d, n, y, z, scrut, f] = mkTestIds (words "go go2 x d n y z scrut f") [ mkFunTys [intTy, intTy] intTy , mkFunTys [intTy, intTy] intTy , intTy , mkFunTys [intTy] intTy , mkFunTys [intTy] intTy , intTy , intTy , boolTy , mkFunTys [intTy, intTy] intTy -- protoypical external function ] exprs :: [(String, CoreExpr)] exprs = [ ("go2",) $ mkRFun go [x] (mkLet d (mkACase (Var go `mkVarApps` [x]) (mkLams [y] $ Var y) ) $ mkLams [z] $ Var d `mkVarApps` [x]) $ go `mkLApps` [0, 0] , ("nested_go2",) $ mkRFun go [x] (mkLet n (mkACase (Var go `mkVarApps` [x]) (mkLams [y] $ Var y)) $ mkACase (Var n) $ mkFun go2 [y] (mkLet d (mkACase (Var go `mkVarApps` [x]) (mkLams [y] $ Var y) ) $ mkLams [z] $ Var d `mkVarApps` [x] )$ Var go2 `mkApps` [mkLit 1] ) $ go `mkLApps` [0, 0] , ("d0 (go 2 would be bad)",) $ mkRFun go [x] (mkLet d (mkACase (Var go `mkVarApps` [x]) (mkLams [y] $ Var y) ) $ mkLams [z] $ Var f `mkApps` [ Var d `mkVarApps` [x], Var d `mkVarApps` [x] ]) $ go `mkLApps` [0, 0] , ("go2 (in case crut)",) $ mkRFun go [x] (mkLet d (mkACase (Var go `mkVarApps` [x]) (mkLams [y] $ Var y) ) $ mkLams [z] $ Var d `mkVarApps` [x]) $ Case (go `mkLApps` [0, 0]) z intTy [(DEFAULT, [], Var f `mkVarApps` [z,z])] , ("go2 (in function call)",) $ mkRFun go [x] (mkLet d (mkACase (Var go `mkVarApps` [x]) (mkLams [y] $ Var y) ) $ mkLams [z] $ Var d `mkVarApps` [x]) $ f `mkLApps` [0] `mkApps` [go `mkLApps` [0, 0]] , ("go2 (using surrounding interesting let)",) $ mkLet n (f `mkLApps` [0]) $ mkRFun go [x] (mkLet d (mkACase (Var go `mkVarApps` [x]) (mkLams [y] $ Var y) ) $ mkLams [z] $ Var d `mkVarApps` [x]) $ Var f `mkApps` [n `mkLApps` [0], go `mkLApps` [0, 0]] , ("go2 (using surrounding boring let)",) $ mkLet z (mkLit 0) $ mkRFun go [x] (mkLet d (mkACase (Var go `mkVarApps` [x]) (mkLams [y] $ Var y) ) $ mkLams [z] $ Var d `mkVarApps` [x]) $ Var f `mkApps` [Var z, go `mkLApps` [0, 0]] , ("two calls, one from let and from body (d 1 would be bad)",) $ mkLet d (mkACase (mkLams [y] $ mkLit 0) (mkLams [y] $ mkLit 0)) $ mkFun go [x,y] (mkVarApps (Var d) [x]) $ mkApps (Var d) [mkLApps go [1,2]] , ("a thunk in a recursion (d 1 would be bad)",) $ mkRLet n (mkACase (mkLams [y] $ mkLit 0) (Var n)) $ mkRLet d (mkACase (mkLams [y] $ mkLit 0) (Var d)) $ Var n `mkApps` [d `mkLApps` [0]] , ("two thunks, one called multiple times (both arity 1 would be bad!)",) $ mkLet n (mkACase (mkLams [y] $ mkLit 0) (f `mkLApps` [0])) $ mkLet d (mkACase (mkLams [y] $ mkLit 0) (f `mkLApps` [0])) $ Var n `mkApps` [Var d `mkApps` [Var d `mkApps` [mkLit 0]]] , ("two functions, not thunks",) $ mkLet go (mkLams [x] (mkACase (mkLams [y] $ mkLit 0) (Var f `mkVarApps` [x]))) $ mkLet go2 (mkLams [x] (mkACase (mkLams [y] $ mkLit 0) (Var f `mkVarApps` [x]))) $ Var go `mkApps` [go2 `mkLApps` [0,1], mkLit 0] , ("a thunk, called multiple times via a forking recursion (d 1 would be bad!)",) $ mkLet d (mkACase (mkLams [y] $ mkLit 0) (f `mkLApps` [0])) $ mkRLet go2 (mkLams [x] (mkACase (Var go2 `mkApps` [Var go2 `mkApps` [mkLit 0, mkLit 0]]) (Var d))) $ go2 `mkLApps` [0,1] , ("a function, one called multiple times via a forking recursion",) $ mkLet go (mkLams [x] (mkACase (mkLams [y] $ mkLit 0) (Var f `mkVarApps` [x]))) $ mkRLet go2 (mkLams [x] (mkACase (Var go2 `mkApps` [Var go2 `mkApps` [mkLit 0, mkLit 0]]) (go `mkLApps` [0]))) $ go2 `mkLApps` [0,1] , ("two functions (recursive)",) $ mkRLet go (mkLams [x] (mkACase (mkLams [y] $ mkLit 0) (Var go `mkVarApps` [x]))) $ mkRLet go2 (mkLams [x] (mkACase (mkLams [y] $ mkLit 0) (Var go2 `mkVarApps` [x]))) $ Var go `mkApps` [go2 `mkLApps` [0,1], mkLit 0] , ("mutual recursion (thunks), called mutiple times (both arity 1 would be bad!)",) $ Let (Rec [ (n, mkACase (mkLams [y] $ mkLit 0) (Var d)) , (d, mkACase (mkLams [y] $ mkLit 0) (Var n))]) $ Var n `mkApps` [Var d `mkApps` [Var d `mkApps` [mkLit 0]]] , ("mutual recursion (functions), but no thunks",) $ Let (Rec [ (go, mkLams [x] (mkACase (mkLams [y] $ mkLit 0) (Var go2 `mkVarApps` [x]))) , (go2, mkLams [x] (mkACase (mkLams [y] $ mkLit 0) (Var go `mkVarApps` [x])))]) $ Var go `mkApps` [go2 `mkLApps` [0,1], mkLit 0] , ("mutual recursion (functions), one boring (d 1 would be bad)",) $ mkLet d (f `mkLApps` [0]) $ Let (Rec [ (go, mkLams [x, y] (Var d `mkApps` [go2 `mkLApps` [1,2]])) , (go2, mkLams [x] (mkACase (mkLams [y] $ mkLit 0) (Var go `mkVarApps` [x])))]) $ Var d `mkApps` [go2 `mkLApps` [0,1]] , ("a thunk (non-function-type), called twice, still calls once",) $ mkLet d (f `mkLApps` [0]) $ mkLet x (d `mkLApps` [1]) $ Var f `mkVarApps` [x, x] , ("a thunk (function type), called multiple times, still calls once",) $ mkLet d (f `mkLApps` [0]) $ mkLet n (Var f `mkApps` [d `mkLApps` [1]]) $ mkLams [x] $ Var n `mkVarApps` [x] , ("a thunk (non-function-type), in mutual recursion, still calls once (d 1 would be good)",) $ mkLet d (f `mkLApps` [0]) $ Let (Rec [ (x, Var d `mkApps` [go `mkLApps` [1,2]]) , (go, mkLams [x] $ mkACase (mkLams [z] $ Var x) (Var go `mkVarApps` [x]) ) ]) $ Var go `mkApps` [mkLit 0, go `mkLApps` [0,1]] , ("a thunk (non-function-type), in mutual recursion, causes many calls (d 1 would be bad)",) $ mkLet d (f `mkLApps` [0]) $ Let (Rec [ (x, Var go `mkApps` [go `mkLApps` [1,2], go `mkLApps` [1,2]]) , (go, mkLams [x] $ mkACase (Var d) (Var go `mkVarApps` [x]) ) ]) $ Var go `mkApps` [mkLit 0, go `mkLApps` [0,1]] , ("a thunk (function type), in mutual recursion, still calls once (d 1 would be good)",) $ mkLet d (f `mkLApps` [0]) $ Let (Rec [ (n, Var go `mkApps` [d `mkLApps` [1]]) , (go, mkLams [x] $ mkACase (Var n) (Var go `mkApps` [Var n `mkVarApps` [x]]) ) ]) $ Var go `mkApps` [mkLit 0, go `mkLApps` [0,1]] , ("a thunk (non-function-type) co-calls with the body (d 1 would be bad)",) $ mkLet d (f `mkLApps` [0]) $ mkLet x (d `mkLApps` [1]) $ Var d `mkVarApps` [x] ] main = do [libdir] <- getArgs runGhc (Just libdir) $ do getSessionDynFlags >>= setSessionDynFlags . flip gopt_set Opt_SuppressUniques dflags <- getSessionDynFlags liftIO $ forM_ exprs $ \(n,e) -> do case lintExpr dflags [f,scrut] e of Just msg -> putMsg dflags (msg $$ text "in" <+> text n) Nothing -> return () putMsg dflags (text n <> char ':') -- liftIO $ putMsg dflags (ppr e) let e' = callArityRHS e let bndrs = varSetElems (allBoundIds e') -- liftIO $ putMsg dflags (ppr e') forM_ bndrs $ \v -> putMsg dflags $ nest 4 $ ppr v <+> ppr (idCallArity v) -- Utilities mkLApps :: Id -> [Integer] -> CoreExpr mkLApps v = mkApps (Var v) . map mkLit mkACase = mkIfThenElse (Var scrut) mkTestId :: Int -> String -> Type -> Id mkTestId i s ty = mkSysLocal (mkFastString s) (mkBuiltinUnique i) ty mkTestIds :: [String] -> [Type] -> [Id] mkTestIds ns tys = zipWith3 mkTestId [0..] ns tys mkLet :: Id -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr mkLet v rhs body = Let (NonRec v rhs) body mkRLet :: Id -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr mkRLet v rhs body = Let (Rec [(v, rhs)]) body mkFun :: Id -> [Id] -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr mkFun v xs rhs body = mkLet v (mkLams xs rhs) body mkRFun :: Id -> [Id] -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr mkRFun v xs rhs body = mkRLet v (mkLams xs rhs) body mkLit :: Integer -> CoreExpr mkLit i = Lit (mkLitInteger i intTy) -- Collects all let-bound IDs allBoundIds :: CoreExpr -> VarSet allBoundIds (Let (NonRec v rhs) body) = allBoundIds rhs `unionVarSet` allBoundIds body `extendVarSet` v allBoundIds (Let (Rec binds) body) = allBoundIds body `unionVarSet` unionVarSets [ allBoundIds rhs `extendVarSet` v | (v, rhs) <- binds ] allBoundIds (App e1 e2) = allBoundIds e1 `unionVarSet` allBoundIds e2 allBoundIds (Case scrut _ _ alts) = allBoundIds scrut `unionVarSet` unionVarSets [ allBoundIds e | (_, _ , e) <- alts ] allBoundIds (Lam _ e) = allBoundIds e allBoundIds (Tick _ e) = allBoundIds e allBoundIds (Cast e _) = allBoundIds e allBoundIds _ = emptyVarSet