module ShouldCompile where -- Killed GHC 6.0 in isCrossDllArg -- -- ghc-6.0: panic! (the `impossible' happened, GHC version 6.0): -- coreSyn/CoreUtils.lhs:1188: Non-exhaustive patterns in function isCrossDllArg -- -- The reason was that newST had the form -- newST = \ @ v -> GHC.Base.: -- @ (Environment.Scope v) -- (case $fScopeOpersScope @ v -- of tpl_B1 { Environment.:DScopeOpers tpl_B2 tpl_B3 -> -- tpl_B2 -- }) -- (GHC.Base.[] @ (Environment.Scope v)) class ScopeOpers s where emptyScope :: s op :: s -> s data Scope v = NewScope instance ScopeOpers (Scope v) where emptyScope = error "emptyScope" op = error "op" newtype SymbolTable v = SymbolTable [Scope v] newST :: SymbolTable v newST = SymbolTable [emptyScope]