{-# OPTIONS -cpp #-} -- !!! Testing IEEE Float and Double extremity predicates. module Main(main) where import Data.Char import Control.Monad.ST import Data.Word import Data.Array.ST #include "ghcconfig.h" reverse_if_bigendian :: [a] -> [a] #ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN reverse_if_bigendian = reverse #else reverse_if_bigendian = id #endif main :: IO () main = do sequence_ (map putStrLn double_tests) sequence_ (map putStrLn float_tests) where double_tests = run_tests double_numbers float_tests = run_tests float_numbers run_tests nums = map ($ nums) [ denorm , pos_inf , neg_inf , nan , neg_zero , pos_zero ] ------------- double_numbers :: [Double] double_numbers = [ 0 , encodeFloat 0 0 -- 0 using encodeFloat method , mkDouble (reverse_if_bigendian [0,0,0,0,0,0, 0xf0, 0x7f]) -- +inf , encodeFloat 1 2047 -- +Inf , encodeFloat 1 2048 , encodeFloat 1 2047 -- signalling NaN , encodeFloat 0xf000000000000 2047 -- quiet NaN , 0/(0::Double) -- misc , 1.82173691287639817263897126389712638972163e-300 , 1.82173691287639817263897126389712638972163e+300 , 4.9406564558412465e-324 -- smallest possible denorm number -- (as reported by enquire running -- on a i686-pc-linux.) , 2.2250738585072014e-308 , 0.11 , 0.100 , -3.4 -- smallest , let (l, _) = floatRange x x = encodeFloat 1 (l-1) in x -- largest , let (_, u) = floatRange x d = floatDigits x x = encodeFloat (floatRadix x ^ d - 1) (u - d) in x ] float_numbers :: [Float] float_numbers = [ 0 , encodeFloat 0 0 -- 0 using encodeFloat method , encodeFloat 1 255 -- +Inf , encodeFloat 1 256 , encodeFloat 11 255 -- signalling NaN , encodeFloat 0xf00000 255 -- quiet NaN , 0/(0::Float) -- misc , 1.82173691287639817263897126389712638972163e-300 , 1.82173691287639817263897126389712638972163e+300 , 1.40129846e-45 , 1.17549435e-38 , 2.98023259e-08 , 0.11 , 0.100 , -3.4 -- smallest , let (l, _) = floatRange x x = encodeFloat 1 (l-1) in x -- largest , let (_, u) = floatRange x d = floatDigits x x = encodeFloat (floatRadix x ^ d - 1) (u - d) in x ] ------------- denorm :: RealFloat a => [a] -> String denorm numbers = unlines ( "" : "*********************************" : ("Denormalised numbers: " ++ doubleOrFloat numbers) : "" : map showPerform numbers) where showPerform = showAndPerform (isDenormalized) "isDenormalised" pos_inf :: RealFloat a => [a] -> String pos_inf numbers = unlines ( "" : "*********************************" : ("Positive Infinity: " ++ doubleOrFloat numbers) : "" : map showPerform numbers) where showPerform = showAndPerform (isInfinite) "isInfinite" neg_inf :: RealFloat a => [a] -> String neg_inf numbers = unlines ( "" : "*********************************" : ("Negative Infinity: " ++ doubleOrFloat numbers) : "" : map showPerform numbers) where showPerform = showAndPerform (\ x -> isInfinite x && x < 0) "isNegInfinite" nan :: RealFloat a => [a] -> String nan numbers = unlines ( "" : "*********************************" : ("NaN: " ++ doubleOrFloat numbers) : "" : map showPerform numbers) where showPerform = showAndPerform (isNaN) "isNaN" pos_zero :: RealFloat a => [a] -> String pos_zero numbers = unlines ( "" : "*********************************" : ("Positive zero: " ++ doubleOrFloat numbers) : "" : map showPerform numbers) where showPerform = showAndPerform (==0) "isPosZero" neg_zero :: RealFloat a => [a] -> String neg_zero numbers = unlines ( "" : "*********************************" : ("Negative zero: " ++ doubleOrFloat numbers) : "" : map showPerform numbers) where showPerform = showAndPerform (isNegativeZero) "isNegativeZero" -- what a hack. doubleOrFloat :: RealFloat a => [a] -> String doubleOrFloat ls | (floatDigits atType) == (floatDigits (0::Double)) = "Double" | (floatDigits atType) == (floatDigits (0::Float)) = "Float" | otherwise = "unknown RealFloat type" where atType = undefined `asTypeOf` (head ls) -- make a double from a list of 8 bytes -- (caller deals with byte ordering.) mkDouble :: [Word8] -> Double mkDouble ls = runST (( do arr <- newArray_ (0,7) sequence (zipWith (writeArray arr) [(0::Int)..] (take 8 ls)) arr' <- castSTUArray arr readArray arr' 0 ) :: ST s Double ) showAndPerform :: (Show a, Show b) => (a -> b) -> String -> a -> String showAndPerform fun name_fun val = name_fun ++ ' ':show val ++ " = " ++ show (fun val)