-- Not really a code-gen test, but this program gave -- incorrect results in Hugs (Hugs #37), so I -- thought I'd add it to GHC's test suite. module Main where data MInt = Zero | Succ MInt | Pred MInt deriving Show tn :: Int -> MInt tn x | x<0 = Pred (tn (x+1)) tn 0 = Zero tn n = Succ (tn (n - 1)) ti :: MInt -> Int ti Zero = 0 ti (Succ x) = 1+(ti x) ti (Pred x) = (ti x) -1 testi :: (MInt -> MInt -> MInt) -> (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Int -> Int -> Bool testi f g x y = (ti (f (tn x) (tn y))) /= (g x y) myMul x y = tn ((ti x) * (ti y)) -- test should be empty! test = [ (x,y,ti (myMul (tn x) (tn y)),x * y) | x<-[-100, -99, -98, -97, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 97, 98, 99, 100], y<-([-100..(-1)]++[1..100]), testi myMul (*) x y ] main = print test