# Test for bug #1285326, results in "internal error: scavenge_one: # strange object 47" with GHC 6.4, fixed in 6.4.1. # Also tests for bug #1466. # NB. This is a VERY IMPORTANT test! It is the only good test we have # for throwTo. It has shown up several bugs that were not caught by the # other concurrency tests. # The program appears to be sensitive to scheduling, and can diverge # in some cases. I find that it only reliably completes when given # multiple cores, which is why it is only running the 'threaded2' way # right now. --SDM 1/4/2010 test('concprog001', [extra_files(['Arithmetic.hs', 'Converter.hs', 'Mult.hs', 'Stream.hs', 'Thread.hs', 'Trit.hs', 'Utilities.hs']), when(fast(), skip), only_ways(['threaded2']), run_timeout_multiplier(2)], multimod_compile_and_run, ['Mult', ''])