-- Transformation and grouping stress test {-# OPTIONS_GHC -XMonadComprehensions -XTransformListComp #-} module Main where import GHC.Exts(sortWith, the) employees = [ ("Simon", "MS", 80) , ("Erik", "MS", 100) , ("Phil", "Ed", 40) , ("Gordon", "Ed", 45) , ("Paul", "Yale", 60) ] main = putStrLn (show can_still_use_group_function) >> putStrLn (show output) where output = [ (the dept, map sum salary, (show x) ++ " and " ++ (show y)) | (name, dept, salary) <- employees , then group by dept , x <- [1, 2, 3] , y <- [4, 5, 6] , then sortWith by sum salary , then take 4 , then group using replicate 2 ] group = const "my group function called!" can_still_use_group_function = group "Mississippi"