T3621.hs:24:43: error: [GHC-25897] • Couldn't match type ‘s’ with ‘state’ arising from a functional dependency between: constraint ‘MonadState state (State s)’ arising from the 'deriving' clause of a data type declaration instance ‘MonadState s1 (State s1)’ at T3621.hs:21:10-31 ‘s’ is a rigid type variable bound by the deriving clause for ‘MonadState state (WrappedState s)’ at T3621.hs:24:43-58 ‘state’ is a rigid type variable bound by the deriving clause for ‘MonadState state (WrappedState s)’ at T3621.hs:24:43-58 • When deriving the instance for (MonadState state (WrappedState s))