T7148.hs:27:40: error: • Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type: b ~ Tagged a b arising from the coercion of the method ‘iso2’ from type ‘forall b1. SameType b1 () -> SameType b1 b’ to type ‘forall b1. SameType b1 () -> SameType b1 (Tagged a b)’ • When deriving the instance for (IsoUnit (Tagged a b)) T7148.hs:27:40: error: • Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type: b ~ Tagged a b arising from the coercion of the method ‘iso1’ from type ‘forall b1. SameType () b1 -> SameType b b1’ to type ‘forall b1. SameType () b1 -> SameType (Tagged a b) b1’ • When deriving the instance for (IsoUnit (Tagged a b))