drvfail009.hs:10:31: Can't make a derived instance of ‛C T1’ (even with cunning newtype deriving): ‛C’ does not have arity 1 In the newtype declaration for ‛T1’ drvfail009.hs:13:31: Cannot derive well-kinded instance of form ‛Monad (T2 ...)’ Class ‛Monad’ expects an argument of kind ‛* -> *’ In the newtype declaration for ‛T2’ drvfail009.hs:16:33: Can't make a derived instance of ‛Monad T3’ (even with cunning newtype deriving): cannot eta-reduce the representation type enough In the newtype declaration for ‛T3’ drvfail009.hs:19:42: Can't make a derived instance of ‛Monad T4’ (even with cunning newtype deriving): cannot eta-reduce the representation type enough In the newtype declaration for ‛T4’