TOP=../.. include $(TOP)/mk/ include $(TOP)/mk/ # A set of driver tests # Things to test: # # - one-shot vs. --make # - hierarchical vs. flat # - -odir vs. no -odir # - -hidir vs. no -hidir # - root module vs. found modules OBJSUFFIX = .o # -fforce-recomp makes lots of driver tests trivially pass, so we # filter it out from $(TEST_HC_OPTS). TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP = $(filter-out -fforce-recomp,$(TEST_HC_OPTS)) TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP_NO_RTSOPTS = $(filter-out -rtsopts,$(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP)) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # One-shot compilations, non-hierarchical modules test011: $(RM) A011.hi $(RM) A011$(OBJSUFFIX) "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -c A011.hs test -f A011.hi test -f A011$(OBJSUFFIX) # test -o test012: $(RM) A012.hi $(RM) A012$(OBJSUFFIX)oo "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -c A012.hs -o A012$(OBJSUFFIX)oo test -f A012$(OBJSUFFIX)oo # test -ohi test013: $(RM) A013.xhi $(RM) A013$(OBJSUFFIX) "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -c A013.hs -ohi A013.xhi test -f A013.xhi # test -odir test014: $(RM) -f A014.hi $(RM) -rf obj014 mkdir obj014 "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -c A014.hs -odir obj014 test -f obj014/A014$(OBJSUFFIX) test -f A014.hi # test -hidir test015: $(RM) -f A015$(OBJSUFFIX) $(RM) -rf hi015 mkdir hi015 "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -c A015.hs -hidir hi015 test -f A015$(OBJSUFFIX) test -f hi015/A015.hi # test stub generation test016: $(RM) F016.hi F016$(OBJSUFFIX) F016_stub.h "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -c F016.hs test -f F016_stub.h # test -stubdir (filename differs from module name) test017: $(RM) F017.hi F017$(OBJSUFFIX) "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -c F017.hs -stubdir stub017 test -f stub017/TestStub017_stub.h # test -odir with stubs (filename differs from module name) test018: $(RM) -f F018.hi F018$(OBJSUFFIX) F018_stub.h $(RM) -rf obj018 mkdir obj018 "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -c F018.hs -odir obj018 # test for bug #3093 test018a: $(RM) -f F018a.hi F018a_stub.h *.obj.018 "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -c F018a.hs -osuf obj.018 test -f F018a.obj.018 # test -outputdir test019: $(RM) -rf out019 "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -c F019.hs -outputdir out019 test -f out019/TestStub019.hi test -f out019/TestStub019_stub.h # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # One-shot compilation, hierarchical modules test021: $(RM) B021/C.hi $(RM) B021/C$(OBJSUFFIX) "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -c B021/C.hs test -f B021/C.hi test -f B021/C$(OBJSUFFIX) # test -o test022: $(RM) B022/C.hi $(RM) B022/C$(OBJSUFFIX)oo "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -c B022/C.hs -o B022/C$(OBJSUFFIX)oo test -f B022/C$(OBJSUFFIX)oo # test -ohi test023: $(RM) B023/C.xhi $(RM) B023/C$(OBJSUFFIX) "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -c B023/C.hs -ohi B023/C.xhi test -f B023/C.xhi # test -odir test024: $(RM) -f B024/C.hi $(RM) -rf obj024 mkdir obj024 "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -c B024/C.hs -odir obj024 test -f obj024/B024/C$(OBJSUFFIX) # test -odir with non-Haskell compilation test024a: $(RM) -rf B024a $(RM) -rf obj024a mkdir B024a mkdir obj024a echo >B024a/stub.c "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -c B024a/stub.c -odir obj024a test -f obj024a/B024a/stub$(OBJSUFFIX) # test -hidir test025: $(RM) -rf hi025 mkdir hi025 $(RM) B025/C$(OBJSUFFIX) "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -c B025/C.hs -hidir hi025 test -f hi025/B025/C.hi # This is a hierarchical module that lives in a subdirectory. test026: $(RM) d026/P/Q.hi $(RM) d026/P/Q$(OBJSUFFIX) "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -c d026/P/Q.hs test -f d026/P/Q.hi test -f d026/P/Q$(OBJSUFFIX) # test stub generation # -fvia-C, because we want to check that the .hc file can #include the stub.h test027: $(RM) B027/F.hi B027/F$(OBJSUFFIX) B027/F_stub.h "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -c B027/F.hs -fno-warn-deprecated-flags -fvia-C test -f B027/F_stub.h # test -stubdir # -fvia-C, because we want to check that the .hc file can #include the stub.h test028: $(RM) B028/F.hi B028/F$(OBJSUFFIX) $(RM) stub028/B028/F_stub.h "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -c B028/F.hs -stubdir stub028 -fno-warn-deprecated-flags -fvia-C test -f stub028/B028/F_stub.h # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Compilation-manager compilations, flat modules test031: $(RM) A031.hi $(RM) A031$(OBJSUFFIX) "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -v0 --make A031.hs test -f A031.hi test -f A031$(OBJSUFFIX) # test -odir test032: $(RM) A032.hi $(RM) -rf obj032 mkdir obj032 "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -v0 --make A032.hs -odir obj032 test -f obj032/A032$(OBJSUFFIX) # test -hidir test033: $(RM) -rf hi033 $(RM) A033$(OBJSUFFIX) mkdir hi033 "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -v0 --make A033.hs -hidir hi033 test -f hi033/A033.hi # test stub generation test034: $(RM) F034.hi F034$(OBJSUFFIX) F034_stub.h "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -v0 --make F034.hs test -f F034_stub.h # test -stubdir (filename differs from module name) test035: $(RM) F035.hi F$(OBJSUFFIX) stub035/Stubs_stub.h "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -v0 --make F035.hs -stubdir stub035 test -f stub035/TestStub035_stub.h # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Compilation-manager compilations, hierarchical modules test041: $(RM) B041/C.hi $(RM) B041/C$(OBJSUFFIX) "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -v0 --make B041/C.hs test -f B041/C.hi test -f B041/C$(OBJSUFFIX) # test -odir test042: $(RM) -rf obj042 mkdir obj042 $(RM) B042/C.hi "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -v0 --make B042/C.hs -odir obj042 test -f obj042/B042/C$(OBJSUFFIX) # test -odir with stubs test042stub: $(RM) -rf obj042stub mkdir obj042stub $(RM) B042stub/C.hi "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -v0 --make B042stub/C.hs -odir obj042stub test -f obj042stub/B042stub/C$(OBJSUFFIX) # test -hidir test043: $(RM) -f B043/C$(OBJSUFFIX) $(RM) -rf hi043 mkdir hi043 "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -v0 --make B043/C.hs -hidir hi043 test -f hi043/B043/C.hi # test stub generation test044: $(RM) B044/F.hi B044/F$(OBJSUFFIX) B044/F_stub.h "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -v0 --make B044/F.hs test -f B044/F_stub.h # test -stubdir test045: $(RM) B045/F.hi B045/F$(OBJSUFFIX) $(RM) stub045/B045/F_stub.h "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -v0 --make B045/F.hs -stubdir stub045 test -f stub045/B045/F_stub.h # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Compilation-manager compilations, hierarchical modules, non-root modules test051: $(RM) d051_2/R/S.hi $(RM) d051_2/R/S$(OBJSUFFIX) $(RM) d051_1/P/Q.hi $(RM) d051_1/P/Q$(OBJSUFFIX) "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -v0 --make -id051_1 -id051_2 R.S test -f d051_2/R/S.hi test -f d051_2/R/S$(OBJSUFFIX) test -f d051_1/P/Q.hi test -f d051_1/P/Q$(OBJSUFFIX) # test -odir test052: $(RM) d052_2/R/S.hi $(RM) d052_1/P/Q.hi $(RM) -rf obj052 mkdir obj052 "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -v0 --make -id052_1 -id052_2 -odir obj052 R.S test -f d052_2/R/S.hi test -f obj052/R/S$(OBJSUFFIX) test -f d052_1/P/Q.hi test -f obj052/P/Q$(OBJSUFFIX) # test -hidir test053: $(RM) hi053/R/S.hi $(RM) d053_2/R/S$(OBJSUFFIX) $(RM) hi053/P/Q.hi $(RM) d053_1/P/Q$(OBJSUFFIX) "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -v0 --make -id053_1 -id053_2 -hidir hi053 R.S test -f hi053/R/S.hi test -f d053_2/R/S$(OBJSUFFIX) test -f hi053/P/Q.hi test -f d053_1/P/Q$(OBJSUFFIX) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Other tests # Test that -keep-s-files works with --make and -fvia-C test061a: $(RM) A061a.hi A061a$(OBJSUFFIX) A061a.s "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -v0 --make -keep-s-files -fno-warn-deprecated-flags -fvia-C A061a.hs test -f A061a.s # Test that -keep-s-files works without --make test061b: $(RM) A061b.hi A061b$(OBJSUFFIX) A061b.s "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -c -keep-s-files -fno-warn-deprecated-flags -fvia-C A061b.hs test -f A061b.s # Test that -main-is works with --make test062a: $(RM) Hello062a.hs Hello062a.hi Hello062a$(OBJSUFFIX) Hello062a.hc hello062a echo "module Hello062a where { hello062a = putStrLn \"ok\" }" >Hello062a.hs "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -v0 --make -main-is Hello062a.hello062a Hello062a -o hello062a ./hello062a test062b: $(RM) Hello062b.hs Hello062b.hi Hello062b$(OBJSUFFIX) Hello062b.hc hello062b echo "module Hello062b where { main = putStrLn \"ok\" }" >Hello062b.hs "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -v0 --make -main-is Hello062b Hello062b -o hello062b ./hello062b test062c: $(RM) Hello062c.hs Hello062c.hi Hello062c$(OBJSUFFIX) Hello062c.hc hello062c echo "module Main (hello062c) where { hello062c = putStrLn \"ok\" }" >Hello062c.hs "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -v0 --make -main-is hello062c Hello062c.hs -o hello062c ./hello062c test062d: $(RM) -rf B062d $(RM) hello062d mkdir B062d echo "module B062d.Hello062d (hello062d) where { hello062d = putStrLn \"ok\" }" >B062d/Hello062d.hs "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -v0 --make -main-is B062d.Hello062d.hello062d B062d/Hello062d.hs -o hello062d ./hello062d test062e: $(RM) -rf B062e $(RM) Hello062e.hc hello062e mkdir B062e echo "module B062e.Hello062e (main) where { main = putStrLn \"ok\" }" >B062e/Hello062e.hs "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -v0 --make -main-is B062e.Hello062e B062e/Hello062e.hs -o hello062e ./hello062e # Test that -i deletes the list of search paths. # The compilation will fail, but we ignore the failure and just # compare the output, because make might give us a different exit code. test063: $(RM) A063.hi A063$(OBJSUFFIX) A063.hc D063.hi D063$(OBJSUFFIX) D063.hc -"$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) --make -i -v0 D063.hs # Test -E test064: $(RM) A064.hi A064.hspp "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -E A064.hs test -f A064.hspp # Test -E/-cpp test065: $(RM) A065.hi A065.hspp "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -E -cpp A065.hs test -f A065.hspp # Test -E/-o test066: $(RM) A066.hi A066.tmp "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -E A066.hs -o A066.tmp test -f A066.tmp # Test -E/-cpp/-o test067: $(RM) A067.hi A067.tmp "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -cpp -E A067.hs -o A067.tmp test -f A067.tmp # Test -S test070: $(RM) A070.hi A070.s "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -S A070.hs test -f A070.s # Test -S/-o test071: $(RM) A071.hi A071.tmp "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -S A071.hs -o A071.tmp test -f A071.tmp # Tests for #2248, -o and .exe define test081 $(RM) $(1).hs $(1).hi $(1)$(OBJSUFFIX) $(1).hc $(1)$(exeext) echo "module Main where { main = putStrLn \"ok\" }" >$(1).hs "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) --make -v0 $(1).hs test -f $(1)$(exeext) endef test081a: $(call test081, Test_081a) test081b: $(call test081, Test.081b) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # --make tests # Test for overlap between home module and package module test100: $(RM) overlap/List.hi overlap/List.o $(RM) overlap/Overlap.hi overlap/Overlap.o "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -v0 --make -ioverlap Overlap # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # dependency-generation tests DEPFILE200 = depend200 # Test that we can create a dependency file, and that we can # modify an existing dependency file. test200: $(RM) $(DEPFILE200) "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -M -dep-suffix "" -dep-makefile $(DEPFILE200) D200 test -f $(DEPFILE200) "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -M -dep-suffix "" -dep-makefile $(DEPFILE200) D200 B200.C A200 test -f $(DEPFILE200) "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -M -dep-suffix "" -dep-makefile $(DEPFILE200) D200.hs B200/C.hs A200.hs test -f $(DEPFILE200) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- T2566:: if "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -c; then false else true; fi .PHONY: mode001 # We use # sed '2,$$d' # rather than # head -1 # as the latter gives # ghc: : hFlush: resource vanished (Broken pipe) # on OS X mode001: "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) --make --help | sed '2,$$d' "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) --help --make | sed '2,$$d' "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) --interactive --help | sed '2,$$d' "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) --help --interactive | sed '2,$$d' "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) --version --help | sed "s/, version.*//" "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) --help --version | sed '2,$$d' "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) --interactive --version | sed "s/, version.*//" "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) --version --interactive | sed "s/, version.*//" "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) --interactive --show-options | grep -- --interactive | sed '2,$$d' "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) --show-options --interactive | grep -- --interactive | sed '2,$$d' # Test for building DLLs with ghc -shared, see #2745 shared001: $(RM) Shared001.hi Shared001.o HSdll.dll.a HSdll.dll Shared001_stub.* "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP_NO_RTSOPTS) -v0 -shared Shared001.hs static001: $(RM) Static001.hi Static001.o liba.a Static001_stub.* "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP_NO_RTSOPTS) -v0 -staticlib Static001.hs # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- T3674: $(RM) T3674*.o T3674*.hi T3674_pre "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) --make T3674_pre.hs "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) --make T3674.hs .PHONY: rtsopts001 rtsopts001: $(RM) rtsOpts$(exeext) rtsOpts.hi rtsOpts.o "$(TEST_HC)" $(filter-out -rtsopts,$(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP)) -v0 --make rtsOpts -rtsopts echo "Normal" -./rtsOpts +RTS -C0 2>&1 $(RM) rtsOpts$(exeext) rtsOpts.hi rtsOpts.o "$(TEST_HC)" $(filter-out -rtsopts,$(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP)) -v0 --make rtsOpts echo "No RTS opts" -./rtsOpts +RTS -C0 2>&1 .PHONY: rtsopts002 rtsopts002: $(RM) rtsopts002$(exeext) rtsopts002.hi rtsopts002.o "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -v0 --make rtsopts002 -rtsopts=some ./rtsopts002 ./rtsopts002 +RTS --info >/dev/null if ./rtsopts002 +RTS -C0; then exit 1; else exit 0; fi GHCRTS= ./rtsopts002 GHCRTS=--info ./rtsopts002 >/dev/null if GHCRTS=-C0 ./rtsopts002; then exit 1; else exit 0; fi .PHONY: withRtsOpts withRtsOpts: $(RM) withRtsOpts$(exeext) withRtsOpts.hi withRtsOpts.o withRtsOpts.out "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -v0 --make withRtsOpts -with-rtsopts=--info ./withRtsOpts | head -1 # Also test for non-safe RTS opts, these should be allowed too, # since the author has explicitly requested them. (#5114) $(RM) withRtsOpts$(exeext) withRtsOpts.hi withRtsOpts.o withRtsOpts.out "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -v0 --make withRtsOpts -with-rtsopts=-twithRtsOpts.out ./withRtsOpts | head -1 test -f withRtsOpts.out .PHONY: T3364 T3364: -"$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -H .PHONY: T706 T706: cp T706a.hs T706.hs "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) $(ghciWayFlags) -c T706.hs cp T706b.hs T706.hs "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) $(ghciWayFlags) -c T706.hs echo "test" | "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) --interactive -ignore-dot-ghci -v0 T706 .PHONY: T5584 T5584: $(RM) -rf T5584_out mkdir T5584_out "$(TEST_HC)" -odir T5584_out -c T5584_in/A.hs-boot .PHONY: T5198 T5198: $(RM) -rf T5198dump [ ! -d T5198dump ] "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -c T5198.hs -dumpdir T5198dump -ddump-to-file -ddump-simpl [ -f T5198dump/T5198.dump-simpl ] .PHONY: T7060a T7060a: $(RM) -rf T7060dump [ ! -d T7060dump ] "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -O -c T7060.hs -dumpdir T7060dump -ddump-to-file -ddump-rules [ -f T7060dump/T7060.dump-rules ] .PHONY: T7060b T7060b: $(RM) -rf T7060dump [ ! -d T7060dump ] "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -O -c T7060.hs -dumpdir T7060dump -ddump-to-file -ddump-rule-firings [ -f T7060dump/T7060.dump-rule-firings ] .PHONY: T7060c T7060c: $(RM) -rf T7060dump [ ! -d T7060dump ] "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -O -c T7060.hs -dumpdir T7060dump -ddump-to-file -ddump-rule-rewrites [ -f T7060dump/T7060.dump-rule-rewrites ] .PHONY: T7060 T7060: T7060a T7060b T7060c .PHONY: T7130 T7130: "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -fflul-laziness .PHONY: T7563 T7563: -"$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -C T7563.hs .PHONY: T6037 T6037: -LC_ALL=C "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -c T6037.hs .PHONY: T2507 T2507: -LC_ALL=C "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -c T2507.hs .PHONY: T8959a T8959a: -LC_ALL=C "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS_NO_RECOMP) -c T8959a.hs -XUnicodeSyntax .PHONY: T703 T703: $(RM) -rf T703 [ ! -d T703 ] "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS) --make T703.hs -v0 ! readelf -W -l T703 2>/dev/null | grep 'GNU_STACK' | grep -q 'RWE' .PHONY: T2182 T2182: $(RM) T2182_A.hi T2182.hi ! "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS) --make T2182_A.hs T2182.hs -v0 ! "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS) --make T2182.hs T2182_A.hs -v0 .PHONY: write_interface_oneshot write_interface_oneshot: $(RM) -rf write_interface_oneshot/A011.hi "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS) -hidir write_interface_oneshot_hidir -fno-code -fwrite-interface -c A011.hs test -f write_interface_oneshot_hidir/A011.hi .PHONY: write_interface_make write_interface_make: $(RM) -rf write_interface_make/A011.hi "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS) -hidir write_interface_make_hidir -fno-code -fwrite-interface --make A011.hs test -f write_interface_make_hidir/A011.hi .PHONY: T9938 T9938: $(RM) -rf T9938.o T9938.hi T9938 "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS) -O2 -c T9938.hs "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS) -O2 T9938.o -o T9938 .PHONY: T9938B T9938B: $(RM) -rf T9938B.o T9938B.hi T9938B "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS) -O2 -c T9938B.hs "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS) -O2 T9938B.o -o T9938B .PHONY: T10182 T10182: $(RM) -rf T10182.o T10182a.o T10182.o-boot T10182.hi T10182a.hi T10182.hi-boot "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS) -c T10182.hs-boot "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS) -c T10182a.hs "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS) -c T10182.hs