{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts -O -dshow-passes #-} module Foo where import GHC.Base foo :: Int -> Int foo (I# n#) = bar i i where i# = n# +# 1# i = I# i# bar :: Int -> Int -> Int {-# INLINE [0] bar #-} bar _ n = n {- The trouble here was *** Simplify: Result size = 25 Result size = 25 Result size = 25 Result size = 25 Result size = 25 *** Simplify: Result size = 25 Result size = 25 Result size = 25 Result size = 25 Result size = 25 etc. The reason was this: x = n# +# 1# i = I# x Being an unboxed value, we were treating the argument context of x as intersting, and hence inlining x in the arg of I#. But then we just float it out again, giving an infinite loop. -}