T20485.hs:7:3: warning: [GHC-58008] [-Wgadt-mono-local-binds (in -Wdefault)] Pattern matching on GADTs without MonoLocalBinds is fragile. Suggested fix: Enable any of the following extensions: GADTs, TypeFamilies T20485.hs:9:19: warning: [GHC-58008] [-Wgadt-mono-local-binds (in -Wdefault)] Pattern matching on GADTs without MonoLocalBinds is fragile. Suggested fix: Enable any of the following extensions: GADTs, TypeFamilies T20485.hs:12:3: warning: [GHC-58008] [-Wgadt-mono-local-binds (in -Wdefault)] Pattern matching on GADTs without MonoLocalBinds is fragile. Suggested fix: Enable any of the following extensions: GADTs, TypeFamilies