T3651.hs:11:11: Couldn't match type ‘Bool’ with ‘()’ Inaccessible code in a pattern with constructor: U :: Z (), in an equation for ‘unsafe1’ In the pattern: U In an equation for ‘unsafe1’: unsafe1 B U = () T3651.hs:14:11: Couldn't match type ‘Bool’ with ‘()’ Inaccessible code in a pattern with constructor: U :: Z (), in an equation for ‘unsafe2’ In the pattern: U In an equation for ‘unsafe2’: unsafe2 B U = () T3651.hs:17:11: Couldn't match type ‘Bool’ with ‘()’ Inaccessible code in a pattern with constructor: U :: Z (), in an equation for ‘unsafe3’ In the pattern: U In an equation for ‘unsafe3’: unsafe3 B U = True