{-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {- This code, courtesy of Markus Lauer (markus.lauer-2006@lauerit.de) was rejected by the sophisticated wobbly-type impl in 6.4.1, and with a terrible error message: Sample.hs:22:40: Couldn't match `MayFail' against `MayFail' Expected type: Result s b Inferred type: Result MayFail a In the first argument of `Return', namely `Fail' In a case alternative: Fail -> return Fail Strangely it is accepted by the simplified impl in GHC 6.5. -} module Sample where data Safe data MayFail data Result s a where Ok :: a -> Result s a Fail :: Result MayFail a newtype M s a = M { unM :: IO (Result s a) } instance Monad (M s) where return x = M (return (Ok x)) {- this one gives a type error in 6.4.1 -} M m >>= k = M (do res <- m case res of Ok x -> unM (k x) Fail -> return Fail ) {- while this one works -} -- M m >>= k = M (f m (unM . k)) -- where -- f :: IO (Result s a) -> (a -> IO (Result s b)) -> IO (Result s b) -- f m k = do res <- m -- case res of -- Ok x -> k x -- Fail -> return Fail