gadt7.hs:16:38: error: [GHC-25897] • Could not deduce ‘p1 ~ p2’ from the context: a ~ Int bound by a pattern with constructor: K :: T Int, in a case alternative at gadt7.hs:16:33 ‘p1’ is a rigid type variable bound by the inferred type of i1b :: T a -> p1 -> p2 at gadt7.hs:16:1-44 ‘p2’ is a rigid type variable bound by the inferred type of i1b :: T a -> p1 -> p2 at gadt7.hs:16:1-44 • In the expression: y1 In a case alternative: K -> y1 In the expression: case t1 of K -> y1 • Relevant bindings include y1 :: p1 (bound at gadt7.hs:16:16) y :: p1 (bound at gadt7.hs:16:7) i1b :: T a -> p1 -> p2 (bound at gadt7.hs:16:1) Suggested fix: Consider giving ‘i1b’ a type signature