import Posix -- This test is an example of where something more sophisticated than runstdtest -- is required, as its interactive. main = do installHandler keyboardSignal (Catch doCtrlC) Nothing ta <- getTerminalAttributes stdInput case (controlChar ta Interrupt) of Nothing -> fixMe ta Just x -> continue x fixMe ta = do putStr " interrupt character?\nI can fix that...\n" setTerminalAttributes stdInput (withCC ta (Interrupt, '\ETX')) Immediately ta <- getTerminalAttributes stdInput case (controlChar ta Interrupt) of Nothing -> putStr "...Then again, maybe I can't\n" Just x -> continue x continue x = putStr "Press '" putStr (ccStr x) putStr "'.\n" awaitSignal Nothing putStr "How did I get here?\n" doCtrlC = putStr "Caught an interrupt.\n" ccStr '\DEL' = "^?" ccStr x | x >= ' ' = [x] | otherwise = ['^', (toEnum (fromEnum x + fromEnum '@'))]