:! cp A1.hs A.hs import Data.List :load A -- Data.List should still be in scope: :t nub :module +B yan :! sleep 1 :! cp A3.hs A.hs :reload -- error, context drops to Prelude,Data.List -- Data.List should still be in scope: :t nub :! sleep 1 :! cp A1.hs A.hs :reload -- ok again, B should be back in the context yan -- Data.List should still be in scope: :t nub :! sleep 1 :! cp A2.hs A.hs :reload :show modules yan -- error -- Now testing for bug #2049 :! cp A3.hs A.hs :load A.hs -- should fail -- Data.List should still be in scope: :type nub :! sleep 1 :! cp A1.hs A.hs :reload yan