:9:4: Couldn't match expected type ‘Ghci1.Planet’ with actual type ‘Planet’ NB: ‘Ghci1.Planet’ is defined at :5:1-37 ‘Planet’ is defined at :8:1-36 In the first argument of ‘pn’, namely ‘Mercury’ In the expression: pn Mercury :10:4: Couldn't match expected type ‘Ghci1.Planet’ with actual type ‘Planet’ NB: ‘Ghci1.Planet’ is defined at :5:1-37 ‘Planet’ is defined at :8:1-36 In the first argument of ‘pn’, namely ‘Venus’ In the expression: pn Venus :11:4: Couldn't match expected type ‘Ghci1.Planet’ with actual type ‘Planet’ NB: ‘Ghci1.Planet’ is defined at :5:1-37 ‘Planet’ is defined at :8:1-36 In the first argument of ‘pn’, namely ‘Mars’ In the expression: pn Mars :13:44: Couldn't match expected type ‘Planet’ with actual type ‘Ghci1.Planet’ NB: ‘Planet’ is defined at :8:1-36 ‘Ghci1.Planet’ is defined at :5:1-37 In the pattern: Earth In an equation for ‘pn’: pn Earth = "E"