Linear17.hs:17:3: error: • Couldn't match type ‘'Many’ with ‘'One’ arising from multiplicity of ‘x’ • In a stmt of a 'do' block: x <- () In the expression: do x <- () (y, z) <- ((), ()) () <- y () <- z .... In an equation for ‘incorrectDo1’: incorrectDo1 = do x <- () (y, z) <- ((), ()) () <- y .... Linear17.hs:25:6: error: • Couldn't match type ‘'Many’ with ‘'One’ arising from multiplicity of ‘z’ • In the pattern: (y, z) In a stmt of a 'do' block: (y, z) <- ((), x) In the expression: do x <- () (y, z) <- ((), x) () <- y () Linear17.hs:30:3: error: • Couldn't match type ‘'Many’ with ‘'One’ arising from multiplicity of ‘x’ • In a stmt of a 'do' block: x <- () In the expression: do x <- () (y, z) <- (x, x) () <- y () <- z .... In an equation for ‘incorrectDo3’: incorrectDo3 = do x <- () (y, z) <- (x, x) () <- y ....