Linear9.hs:9:17: error: • Couldn't match type ‘'Many’ with ‘'One’ arising from a non-linear pattern • In the pattern: _ In the pattern: (a, _) In an equation for ‘incorrectFst’: incorrectFst (a, _) = a Linear9.hs:12:20: error: • Couldn't match type ‘'Many’ with ‘'One’ arising from multiplicity of ‘b’ • In the pattern: (a, b) In an equation for ‘incorrectFstVar’: incorrectFstVar (a, b) = a Linear9.hs:15:20: error: • Couldn't match type ‘'Many’ with ‘'One’ arising from multiplicity of ‘a’ • In the pattern: (a, b) In an equation for ‘incorrectFirstDup’: incorrectFirstDup (a, b) = ((a, a), b) Linear9.hs:18:21: error: • Couldn't match type ‘'Many’ with ‘'One’ arising from a non-linear pattern • In the pattern: _ In the pattern: (a, _) In the pattern: ((a, _), _) Linear9.hs:18:24: error: • Couldn't match type ‘'Many’ with ‘'One’ arising from a non-linear pattern • In the pattern: _ In the pattern: ((a, _), _) In an equation for ‘incorrectFstFst’: incorrectFstFst ((a, _), _) = a Linear9.hs:25:25: error: • Couldn't match type ‘'Many’ with ‘'One’ arising from a non-linear pattern • In the pattern: _ In the pattern: Foo a _ In an equation for ‘incorrectTestFst’: incorrectTestFst (Foo a _) = a