{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-} -- See #10162 and #11743 for details module ShouldCompile where import Control.Arrow import Language.Haskell.TH handle :: ArrowPlus a => a (b,s) c -> a (b,(String,s)) c -> a (b,s) c handle f h = proc (b,s) -> (f -< (b,s)) <+> (h -< (b,("FAIL",s))) f :: ArrowPlus a => a (Int,Int) String f = proc (x,y) -> ⦇handle (returnA -< show y) (\s -> returnA -< s ++ show x) ⦈ g :: ArrowPlus a => a (Int,Int) String g = proc (x,y) -> ⦇handle (\msg -> returnA -< msg ++ show y) (\s msg -> returnA -< s ++ show x) ⦈ ("hello " ++ show x) h :: ArrowPlus a => a (Int,Int) Int h = proc (x,y) -> ( (\z -> returnA -< x + z) <+> (\z -> returnA -< y + z) ) (x*y) matches :: PatQ -> ExpQ matches pat = ⟦\x -> case x of $pat -> True _ -> False ⟧