{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, NamedWildCards, PolyKinds #-} -- All declarations below are accepted when the NamedWildCards extension is not -- enabled and the identifiers starting with _ are parsed as type variables. -- They should remain valid when the extension is on. -- -- See #11098 and comments in #10982 module NamedWildcardsAsTyVars where type Synonym _a = _a -> _a data A a _b = ACon a a Int data B _a b = BCon _a (_a, Bool) type family C a b where C _a _b = _a -> _a type family D a b where D _a b = _a -> (_a, Int) data family E a b data instance E a _b = ECon a (a, Int) data family F a b data instance F _a b = FCon _a _a Bool class G _a where gfoo :: _a -> _a instance G Int where gfoo = (*2) type family H a b where H _a _a = Int H _a _b = Bool hfoo :: H String String hfoo = 10 hbar :: H String Int hbar = False type family I (_a :: k) where I _t = Int