module HomePackagePlugin where import GhcPlugins plugin :: Plugin plugin = defaultPlugin { installCoreToDos = install } install :: [CommandLineOption] -> [CoreToDo] -> CoreM [CoreToDo] install _options todos = do return $ (CoreDoPluginPass "String replacement" $ bindsOnlyPass stringReplacementPass) : todos stringReplacementPass :: [CoreBind] -> CoreM [CoreBind] stringReplacementPass binds = return $ map replaceInBind binds replaceInBind :: CoreBind -> CoreBind replaceInBind (NonRec b e) = NonRec b (replaceInExpr e) replaceInBind (Rec bes) = Rec [(b, replaceInExpr e) | (b, e) <- bes] replaceInExpr :: CoreExpr -> CoreExpr replaceInExpr (Var x) = Var x replaceInExpr (Lit (MachStr _)) = mkStringLit "Hello From The Plugin" -- The payload replaceInExpr (Lit l) = Lit l replaceInExpr (Lam b e) = Lam b (replaceInExpr e) replaceInExpr (App e1 e2) = App (replaceInExpr e1) (replaceInExpr e2) replaceInExpr (Let bi e) = Let (replaceInBind bi) (replaceInExpr e) replaceInExpr (Tick t e) = Tick t (replaceInExpr e) replaceInExpr (Cast e co) = Cast (replaceInExpr e) co replaceInExpr (Case e b ty alts) = Case (replaceInExpr e) b ty (map replaceInAlt alts) replaceInExpr (Type ty) = Type ty replaceInAlt :: CoreAlt -> CoreAlt replaceInAlt (ac, bs, e) = (ac, bs, replaceInExpr e)