T12957a.hs:25:35: warning: [GHC-40564] [-Winaccessible-code (in -Wdefault)] • Inaccessible code in a pattern with constructor: BFields :: [()] -> Fields 'B, in a case alternative Couldn't match type ‘'A’ with ‘'B’ • In a record update at field ‘list’, with type constructor ‘Fields’ and data constructor ‘BFields’. In the expression: emptyA {list = [a]} In a record update at field ‘sFields’, with type constructor ‘S’ and data constructor ‘S’. T12957a.hs:25:35: warning: [GHC-83865] [-Wdeferred-type-errors (in -Wdefault)] • Couldn't match type ‘'B’ with ‘'A’ Expected: Fields 'A Actual: Fields 'B • In a record update at field ‘list’, with type constructor ‘Fields’ and data constructor ‘BFields’. In the expression: emptyA {list = [a]} In a record update at field ‘sFields’, with type constructor ‘S’ and data constructor ‘S’.