-- From a blog post: http://www.jonmsterling.com/posts/2012-01-12-unifying-monoids-and-monads-with-polymorphic-kinds.html {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} {-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} module Main where import Data.Kind import Control.Monad (Monad(..), join, ap, liftM) import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..)) import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..)) -- First we define the type class Monoidy: class Monoidy (to :: k0 -> k1 -> Type) (m :: k1) where type MComp to m :: k1 -> k1 -> k0 type MId to m :: k0 munit :: MId to m `to` m mjoin :: MComp to m m m `to` m -- We use functional dependencies to help the typechecker understand that -- m and ~> uniquely determine comp (times) and id. -- This kind of type class would not have been possible in previous -- versions of GHC; with the new kind system, however, we can abstract -- over kinds!2 Now, let’s create types for the additive and -- multiplicative monoids over the natural numbers: newtype Sum a = Sum a deriving Show newtype Product a = Product a deriving Show instance Num a ⇒ Monoidy (→) (Sum a) where type MComp (→) (Sum a) = (,) type MId (→) (Sum a) = () munit _ = Sum 0 mjoin (Sum x, Sum y) = Sum $ x + y instance Num a ⇒ Monoidy (→) (Product a) where type MComp (→) (Product a) = (,) type MId (→) (Product a) = () munit _ = Product 1 mjoin (Product x, Product y) = Product $ x * y -- It will be slightly more complicated to make a monadic instance with -- Monoidy. First, we need to define the identity functor, a type for -- natural transformations, and a type for functor composition: data Id α = Id { runId :: α } deriving Functor -- A natural transformation (Λ f g α. (f α) → (g α)) may be encoded in Haskell as follows: data NT f g = NT { runNT :: ∀ α. f α → g α } -- Functor composition (Λ f g α. f (g α)) is encoded as follows: data FC f g α = FC { runFC :: f (g α) } -- Now, let us define some type T which should be a monad: data Wrapper a = Wrapper { runWrapper :: a } deriving (Show, Functor) instance Monoidy NT Wrapper where type MComp NT Wrapper = FC type MId NT Wrapper = Id munit = NT $ Wrapper . runId mjoin = NT $ runWrapper . runFC -- With these defined, we can use them as follows: test1 = do { print (mjoin (munit (), Sum 2)) -- Sum 2 ; print (mjoin (Product 2, Product 3)) -- Product 6 ; print (runNT mjoin $ FC $ Wrapper (Wrapper "hello, world")) -- Wrapper {runWrapper = "hello, world" } } -- We can even provide a special binary operator for the appropriate monoids as follows: (<+>) :: (Monoidy (→) m, MId (→) m ~ (), MComp (→) m ~ (,)) ⇒ m → m → m (<+>) = curry mjoin test2 = print (Sum 1 <+> Sum 2 <+> Sum 4) -- Sum 7 -- Now, all the extra wrapping that Haskell requires for encoding this is -- rather cumbersome in actual use. So, we can give traditional Monad and -- Monoid instances for instances of Monoidy: instance (MId (→) m ~ (), MComp (→) m ~ (,), Monoidy (→) m) ⇒ Semigroup m where (<>) = curry mjoin instance (MId (→) m ~ (), MComp (→) m ~ (,), Monoidy (→) m) ⇒ Monoid m where mempty = munit () instance Applicative Wrapper where pure = return (<*>) = ap instance Monad Wrapper where return x = runNT munit $ Id x x >>= f = runNT mjoin $ FC (f `fmap` x) -- And so the following works: test3 = do { print (mappend mempty (Sum 2)) -- Sum 2 ; print (mappend (Product 2) (Product 3)) -- Product 6 ; print (join $ Wrapper $ Wrapper "hello") -- Wrapper {runWrapper = "hello" } ; print (Wrapper "hello, world" >>= return) -- Wrapper {runWrapper = "hello, world" } } main = test1 >> test2 >> test3