{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} module Main where import Data.Kind -- Type-level peano naturals (value-level too, but we don't use those) data Nat = Ze | Su Nat type T0 = Ze type T1 = Su T0 type T2 = Su T1 -- (!) at the type level type family El (n :: Nat) (l :: [Type]) :: Type type instance El Ze (h ': t) = h type instance El (Su n) (h ': t) = El n t {- -- The following might be useful, but are not used at the moment -- ($) at the type level (well, not quite ($), in fact...) class Apply (fs :: [Type]) (es :: [Type]) where type ApplyT (fs :: [Type]) (es :: [Type]) :: [Type] apply :: ListV fs -> ListV es -> ListV (ApplyT fs es) instance Apply '[] '[] where type ApplyT '[] '[] = '[] apply NilV NilV = NilV instance (Apply fs es) => Apply ((e1 -> e2) ': fs) (e1 ': es) where type ApplyT ((e1 -> e2) ': fs) (e1 ': es) = e2 ': ApplyT fs es apply (ConsV f fs) (ConsV e es) = ConsV (f e) (apply fs es) -} -- Value mirror for the list kind data ListV :: [Type] -> Type where NilV :: ListV '[] ConsV :: a -> ListV t -> ListV (a ': t) data ListV2 :: [[Type]] -> Type where NilV2 :: ListV2 '[] ConsV2 :: ListV a -> ListV2 t -> ListV2 (a ': t) listv1 :: ListV (Int ': '[]) listv1 = ConsV 3 NilV listv2 :: ListV2 ((Int ': '[]) ': '[]) listv2 = ConsV2 listv1 NilV2 --data ListVX :: Maybe -> Type where data TripleV :: (Type, Type -> Type, Type) -> Type where TripleV :: a -> c -> TripleV '(a, [], c) -- Value mirror for the Nat kind data NatV :: Nat -> Type where ZeW :: NatV Ze SuW :: NatV n -> NatV (Su n) -- Generic universe data MultiP x = UNIT | KK x -- wish I could just write Type instead of x | SUM (MultiP x) (MultiP x) | PROD (MultiP x) (MultiP x) | PAR Nat | REC -- Universe interpretation data Interprt :: MultiP Type -> [Type] -> Type -> Type where Unit :: Interprt UNIT lp r K :: x -> Interprt (KK x) lp r L :: Interprt a lp r -> Interprt (SUM a b) lp r R :: Interprt b lp r -> Interprt (SUM a b) lp r Prod :: Interprt a lp r -> Interprt b lp r -> Interprt (PROD a b) lp r Par :: NatV n -> El n lp -> Interprt (PAR n) lp r Rec :: r -> Interprt REC lp r -- Embedding values into the universe class Generic a where type Rep a :: MultiP Type type Es a :: [Type] from :: a -> Interprt (Rep a) (Es a) a to :: Interprt (Rep a) (Es a) a -> a -- Parameter map over the universe class PMap (rep :: MultiP Type) where pmap :: (forall n. NatV n -> El n lp1 -> El n lp2) -> (r -> s) -> Interprt rep lp1 r -> Interprt rep lp2 s instance PMap UNIT where pmap _ _ Unit = Unit instance PMap (KK x) where pmap _ _ (K x) = K x instance (PMap a, PMap b) => PMap (SUM a b) where pmap f g (L x) = L (pmap f g x) pmap f g (R x) = R (pmap f g x) instance (PMap a, PMap b) => PMap (PROD a b) where pmap f g (Prod x y) = Prod (pmap f g x) (pmap f g y) instance PMap (PAR p) where pmap f _ (Par n p) = Par n (f n p) instance PMap REC where pmap _ g (Rec p) = Rec (g p) -- User-facing function pmapu :: (Generic a, Generic b, PMap (Rep a), Rep a ~ Rep b) => (forall n. NatV n -> El n (Es a)-> El n (Es b)) -> a -> b pmapu f = to . pmap f (pmapu f). from -- Example: lists instance Generic [a] where type Rep [a] = SUM UNIT (PROD (PAR T0) REC) type Es [a] = a ': '[] from [] = L Unit from (h:t) = R (Prod (Par ZeW h) (Rec t)) to (L Unit) = [] to (R (Prod (Par ZeW h) (Rec t))) = h:t -- Map on lists: we can define an auxiliary function with the usual type... pmapList :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] pmapList f l = pmapu g l where g :: forall n. NatV n -> El n (Es [a]) -> El n (Es [b]) g ZeW x = f x -- ... or use pmapu directly pmapExample1 :: [String] pmapExample1 = pmapu f [1..10::Int] where f :: forall n. NatV n -> El n (Es [Int]) -> El n (Es [String]) f ZeW = show -- Example: Either instance Generic (Either a b) where type Rep (Either a b) = SUM (PAR T0) (PAR T1) type Es (Either a b) = a ': b ': '[] from (Left a) = L (Par ZeW a) from (Right b) = R (Par (SuW ZeW) b) to (L (Par ZeW a)) = Left a to (R (Par (SuW ZeW) b)) = Right b pmapEither :: forall a1 a2 b1 b2. (a1 -> a2) -> (b1 -> b2) -> Either a1 b1 -> Either a2 b2 pmapEither f g = pmapu h where h :: forall n. NatV n -> El n (Es (Either a1 b1)) -> El n (Es (Either a2 b2)) h ZeW = f h (SuW ZeW) = g main = print pmapExample1