T7594.hs:37:12: error: • Could not deduce: b ~ IO () from the context: (:&:) c0 Real a bound by a type expected by the context: forall a. (:&:) c0 Real a => a -> b at T7594.hs:37:12-16 Expected: a -> b Actual: a -> IO () ‘b’ is a rigid type variable bound by the inferred type of bar2 :: b at T7594.hs:37:1-19 Possible fix: add a type signature for ‘bar2’ • In the first argument of ‘app’, namely ‘print’ In the expression: app print q2 In an equation for ‘bar2’: bar2 = app print q2 • Relevant bindings include bar2 :: b (bound at T7594.hs:37:1)