T8566.hs:34:9: error: • Could not deduce (C ('AA (t (I a ps)) as) ps fs0) arising from a use of ‘c’ from the context: C ('AA (t (I a ps)) as) ps fs bound by the instance declaration at T8566.hs:32:10-67 or from: 'AA t (a : as) ~ 'AA t1 as1 bound by a pattern with constructor: A :: forall {v} (t :: v) (as :: [U (*)]) (r :: [*]). I ('AA t as) r, in an equation for ‘c’ at T8566.hs:34:5 The type variable ‘fs0’ is ambiguous Relevant bindings include c :: I ('AA t (a : as)) ps -> I ('AA t (a : as)) ps (bound at T8566.hs:34:3) • In the expression: c undefined In an equation for ‘c’: c A = c undefined In the instance declaration for ‘C ('AA t (a : as)) ps fs’