{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} foo = f >>= \case Just h -> loadTestDB (h ++ "/.testdb") Nothing -> fmap S.Right initTestDB foo = f >>= \cases x (Just h) -> loadTestDB (h ++ "/.testdb") _ Nothing -> fmap S.Right initTestDB foo = f >>= \cases | a -> loadTestDB (h ++ "/.testdb") | b -> fmap S.Right initTestDB {-| Is the alarm set - i.e. will it go off at some point in the future even if `setAlarm` is not called? -} isAlarmSetSTM :: AlarmClock -> STM Bool isAlarmSetSTM AlarmClock{..} = readTVar acNewSetting >>= \case { AlarmNotSet -> readTVar acIsSet; _ -> return True }