{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-} operator = describe "Operators on ProcessA"$ do describe "feedback" $ do it "acts like local variable with hold." $ do let pa = proc evx -> do (\evy -> hold 10 -< evy) `feedback` \y -> do returnA -< ((+y) <$> evx, (y+1) <$ evx) run pa [1, 2, 3] `shouldBe` [11, 13, 15] it "correctly handles stream end." $ do let pa = proc x -> (\asx -> returnA -< asx) `feedback` (\asy -> returnA -< (asy::Event Int, x)) comp = mkProc (PgPush PgStop) >>> pa stateProc comp [0, 0] `shouldBe` ([], [0]) it "correctly handles stream end.(2)" $ do pendingWith "many utilities behave incorrectly at end of stream."