T13199.hs:(14,2)-(15,7): Splicing declarations [d| instance C (Maybe a) (Maybe b) c |] ======> instance C (Maybe a) (Maybe b) c T13199.hs:21:2-45: Splicing declarations [d| g (a :: (Int -> Int) -> Int) = True |] ======> g (a :: (Int -> Int) -> Int) = True T13199.hs:24:2-28: Splicing declarations [d| h (id -> x) = True |] ======> h (id -> x) = True T13199.hs:27:2-38: Splicing declarations [d| f (Just (Just False)) = True |] ======> f (Just (Just False)) = True T13199.hs:30:2-34: Splicing declarations [d| i (B (a `B` c) d) = True |] ======> i (B (a `B` c) d) = True T13199.hs:33:2-30: Splicing declarations [d| j B {aa = a} = True |] ======> j B {aa = a} = True T13199.hs:36:2-29: Splicing declarations [d| k = id @(Maybe Int) |] ======> k = id @(Maybe Int) T13199.hs:38:2-59: Splicing declarations [d| l = case Just 'a' of { Just a -> Just ((\ x -> x) a) } |] ======> l = case Just 'a' of { Just a -> Just ((\ x -> x) a) } T13199.ppr.hs:11:2-42: Splicing declarations [d| instance C (Maybe a) (Maybe b) c |] ======> instance C (Maybe a) (Maybe b) c T13199.ppr.hs:12:2-45: Splicing declarations [d| g (a :: (Int -> Int) -> Int) = True |] ======> g (a :: (Int -> Int) -> Int) = True T13199.ppr.hs:13:2-28: Splicing declarations [d| h (id -> x) = True |] ======> h (id -> x) = True T13199.ppr.hs:14:2-38: Splicing declarations [d| f (Just (Just False)) = True |] ======> f (Just (Just False)) = True T13199.ppr.hs:15:2-34: Splicing declarations [d| i (B (a `B` c) d) = True |] ======> i (B (a `B` c) d) = True T13199.ppr.hs:16:2-29: Splicing declarations [d| j B {aa = a} = True |] ======> j B {aa = a} = True T13199.ppr.hs:17:2-29: Splicing declarations [d| k = id @(Maybe Int) |] ======> k = id @(Maybe Int) T13199.ppr.hs:18:2-64: Splicing declarations [d| l = case Just 'a' of { Just a -> Just ((\ x -> x) a) } |] ======> l = case Just 'a' of { Just a -> Just ((\ x -> x) a) }