-- | Check the source spans associated with the expansion of quasi-quotes module Main (main) where import GHC import DynFlags import Outputable import MonadUtils import NameSet import Var import Data.Data import System.Environment import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Trans.State import Data.List import Data.Ord import Prelude hiding (traverse) type Traverse a = State (SrcSpan, [(Name, SrcSpan)]) a traverse :: Data a => a -> Traverse a traverse a = skipNameSet (cast a) a $ do updateLoc (cast a) showVar (cast a) showTyVar (cast a) showPatVar (cast a) gmapM traverse a where showVar :: Maybe (HsExpr GhcTc) -> Traverse () showVar (Just (HsVar _ (L _ v))) = modify $ \(loc, ids) -> (loc, (varName v, loc) : ids) showVar _ = return () showTyVar :: Maybe (HsType GhcRn) -> Traverse () showTyVar (Just (HsTyVar _ _ (L _ v))) = modify $ \(loc, ids) -> (loc, (v, loc) : ids) showTyVar _ = return () showPatVar :: Maybe (Pat GhcTc) -> Traverse () showPatVar (Just (VarPat _ (L _ v))) = modify $ \(loc, ids) -> (loc, (varName v, loc) : ids) showPatVar _ = return () -- Updating the location in this way works because we see the SrcSpan -- before the associated term due to the definition of GenLocated updateLoc :: Maybe SrcSpan -> Traverse () updateLoc (Just loc) = modify $ \(_, ids) -> (loc, ids) updateLoc _ = return () skipNameSet :: Monad m => Maybe NameSet -> a -> m a -> m a skipNameSet (Just _) a _ = return a skipNameSet Nothing _ f = f test7918 :: Ghc () test7918 = do dynFlags <- getSessionDynFlags void $ setSessionDynFlags (gopt_set dynFlags Opt_BuildDynamicToo) let target = Target { targetId = TargetFile "T7918B.hs" Nothing , targetAllowObjCode = True , targetContents = Nothing } setTargets [target] void $ load LoadAllTargets typecheckedB <- getModSummary (mkModuleName "T7918B") >>= parseModule >>= typecheckModule let (_loc, ids) = execState (traverse (tm_typechecked_source typecheckedB)) (noSrcSpan, []) liftIO . forM_ (sortBy (comparing snd) (reverse ids)) $ putStrLn . showSDoc dynFlags . ppr main :: IO () main = do [libdir] <- getArgs runGhc (Just libdir) test7918