RepPolyRule1.hs:11:51: error: [GHC-55287] • The argument ‘x’ of ‘f’ does not have a fixed runtime representation. Its type is: a1 :: TYPE c0 Cannot unify ‘rep’ with the type variable ‘c0’ because it is not a concrete ‘RuntimeRep’. • In the first argument of ‘f’, namely ‘x’ In the expression: f x When checking the rewrite rule "f_id" • Relevant bindings include x :: a2 (bound at RepPolyRule1.hs:11:26) RepPolyRule1.hs:11:55: error: [GHC-55287] • The argument ‘x’ of ‘f’ does not have a fixed runtime representation. Its type is: a1 :: TYPE c0 Cannot unify ‘rep’ with the type variable ‘c0’ because it is not a concrete ‘RuntimeRep’. • In the expression: x When checking the rewrite rule "f_id" • Relevant bindings include x :: a2 (bound at RepPolyRule1.hs:11:26)