-- | A test to load symbols exposed with @-rdynamic@. -- -- Exporting 'f' from Main is important, otherwise, the corresponding symbol -- wouldn't appear in symbol tables. -- {-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-} {-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-} {-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-} module Main(main, f) where import Foreign.C.String ( withCString, CString ) import GHC.Exts ( addrToAny# ) import GHC.Ptr ( Ptr(..), nullPtr ) import System.Info ( os ) import Encoding main = (loadFunction Nothing "Main" "f" :: IO (Maybe String)) >>= print f :: String f = "works" -- loadFunction__ taken from -- @plugins- loadFunction :: Maybe String -> String -> String -> IO (Maybe a) loadFunction mpkg m valsym = do let symbol = prefixUnderscore ++ maybe "" (\p -> zEncodeString p ++ "_") mpkg ++ zEncodeString m ++ "_" ++ zEncodeString valsym ++ "_closure" ptr@(Ptr addr) <- withCString symbol c_lookupSymbol if (ptr == nullPtr) then return Nothing else case addrToAny# addr of (# hval #) -> return ( Just hval ) where prefixUnderscore = if elem os ["darwin","mingw32","cygwin"] then "_" else "" foreign import ccall safe "lookupSymbol" c_lookupSymbol :: CString -> IO (Ptr a)