docs: Just module header: Just text: -- |This is the new module header identifiers: declaration docs: [Tup2 -> [text: -- |Matches a tuple of (a, a) identifiers:], f -> [text: -- |The meaning of life identifiers:], g -> [text: -- |Some documentation identifiers:], qux -> [text: -- |This is qux identifiers:], sin -> [text: -- |15 identifiers:], wd1 -> [text: -- |1 identifiers:], wd17 -> [text: -- |17 identifiers:], wd18 -> [text: -- |18 identifiers:], wd2 -> [text: -- |2 identifiers:], wd20 -> [text: -- |20 identifiers:], wd8 -> [text: -- |8 identifiers:], C -> [text: -- |A new class identifiers:], Corge -> [text: -- |This is a newtype record constructor identifiers:], runCorge -> [text: -- |This is the newtype record constructor's argument identifiers:], E -> [text: -- |A type family identifiers:], Foo -> [text: -- |A new data type identifiers:], Foo -> [text: -- |A new constructor identifiers:], Pretty -> [text: -- |My cool class identifiers:], prettyPrint -> [text: -- |Prettily prints the object identifiers:], Quux -> [text: -- |This is Quux identifiers:], Quux1 -> [text: -- |This is Quux1 identifiers:], Quux2 -> [text: -- |This is Quux2 identifiers:], Quuz -> [text: -- |This is a record constructor identifiers:], quuz1_a -> [text: -- |This is the record constructor's argument identifiers:], WD10 -> [text: -- |10 identifiers:], WD11Bool -> [text: -- |This is a newtype instance constructor identifiers:], WD11Int -> [text: -- |This is a data instance constructor identifiers:], WD12 -> [text: -- |12 identifiers:], WD3 -> [text: -- |3 identifiers:], WD4 -> [text: -- |4 identifiers:], WD5 -> [text: -- |5 identifiers:], WD6 -> [text: -- |6 identifiers:], $fCTYPEFoo -> [text: -- |7 identifiers:], $fCTYPEInt -> [text: -- |A new instance identifiers:], $fCTYPEList -> [text: -- |Another new instance identifiers:], $fDka -> [text: -- |Another new instance identifiers:], $fF -> [text: -- |14 identifiers:], D:R:EBool -> [text: -- |A type family instance identifiers:], D:R:WD11Bool0 -> [text: -- |This is a newtype instance identifiers:], D:R:WD11Foo0 -> [text: -- |11 identifiers:], D:R:WD11Int0 -> [text: -- |This is a data instance identifiers:], D:R:WD13Foo -> [text: -- |13 identifiers:]] arg docs: [Tup2 -> 0: text: -- |The thing to match twice identifiers:, h -> 0: text: -- ^Your favourite number identifiers: 1: text: -- |Your least favourite Boolean identifiers: 2: text: -- ^A return value identifiers:, qux -> 1: text: -- |Arg dos identifiers:, Quux1 -> 0: text: -- |I am an integer identifiers:, Quux2 -> 1: text: -- |I am a bool identifiers:, WD11Bool -> 0: text: -- |This is a newtype instance constructor argument identifiers:, WD11Int -> 0: text: -- |This is a data instance constructor argument identifiers:] documentation structure: avails: [f] avails: [Foo{Foo, Foo}] avails: [g] avails: [h] avails: [C{C}] avails: [D{D}] avails: [E{E}] avails: [i] avails: [WD11{WD11, WD11Bool, WD11Int, WD11Foo}] avails: [WD13{WD13}] avails: [wd8] avails: [F{F}] avails: [wd1] avails: [wd2] avails: [WD3{WD3, WD3}] avails: [WD4{WD4, WD4}] avails: [WD5{WD5}] avails: [WD6{WD6}] avails: [WD10{WD10}] avails: [WD12{WD12}] avails: [sin] avails: [wd17] avails: [wd18] avails: [wd20] avails: [Pretty{Pretty, prettyPrint}] avails: [Corge{Corge, runCorge, Corge}] avails: [Quuz{Quuz, quuz1_a, Quuz}] avails: [Quux{Quux, Quux2, Quux1}] avails: [Tup2] avails: [qux] named chunks: haddock options: language: Nothing language extensions: MonomorphismRestriction MonoLocalBinds RelaxedPolyRec ForeignFunctionInterface TemplateHaskell TemplateHaskellQuotes ImplicitPrelude ScopedTypeVariables BangPatterns TypeFamilies NamedFieldPuns GADTSyntax DoAndIfThenElse ConstraintKinds PolyKinds DataKinds InstanceSigs StandaloneDeriving DeriveDataTypeable DeriveFunctor DeriveTraversable DeriveFoldable DeriveGeneric DeriveLift TypeSynonymInstances FlexibleContexts FlexibleInstances ConstrainedClassMethods MultiParamTypeClasses ExistentialQuantification EmptyDataDecls KindSignatures GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving PostfixOperators TupleSections PatternGuards RankNTypes TypeOperators ExplicitNamespaces ExplicitForAll TraditionalRecordSyntax BinaryLiterals HexFloatLiterals EmptyCase PatternSynonyms NamedWildCards TypeApplications EmptyDataDeriving NumericUnderscores StarIsType ImportQualifiedPost StandaloneKindSignatures FieldSelectors extensible fields: