{-# OPTIONS_GHC -g -O #-} -- This used to fail with: -- -- *** Core Lint errors : in result of Simplifier *** -- : warning: -- [RHS of str_s2UI :: Addr#] -- The type of this binder is unlifted: str_s2UI -- Binder's type: Addr# module T14779b where data DataType = DataType { tycon :: String , datarep :: DataRep } data Constr = Constr { conrep :: ConstrRep , constring :: String , confields :: [String] -- for AlgRep only , confixity :: Fixity -- for AlgRep only , datatype :: DataType } data DataRep = AlgRep [Constr] | IntRep | FloatRep | CharRep | NoRep data ConstrRep = AlgConstr ConIndex | IntConstr Integer | FloatConstr Rational | CharConstr Char type ConIndex = Int -- | Fixity of constructors data Fixity = Prefix | Infix -- Later: add associativity and precedence mkDataType :: String -> [Constr] -> DataType mkDataType str cs = DataType { tycon = str , datarep = AlgRep cs } mkConstr :: DataType -> String -> [String] -> Fixity -> Constr mkConstr dt str fields fix = Constr { conrep = AlgConstr idx , constring = str , confields = fields , confixity = fix , datatype = dt } where idx = head [ i | (c,i) <- dataTypeConstrs dt `zip` [1..], showConstr c == str ] dataTypeConstrs :: DataType -> [Constr] dataTypeConstrs dt = case datarep dt of (AlgRep cons) -> cons _ -> errorWithoutStackTrace $ "Data.Data.dataTypeConstrs is not supported for " ++ dataTypeName dt ++ ", as it is not an algebraic data type." dataTypeName :: DataType -> String dataTypeName = tycon showConstr :: Constr -> String showConstr = constring -- | The type parameter should be an instance of 'HasResolution'. newtype Fixed a = MkFixed Integer -- ^ @since deriving (Eq,Ord) tyFixed :: DataType tyFixed = mkDataType "Data.Fixed.Fixed" [conMkFixed] conMkFixed :: Constr conMkFixed = mkConstr tyFixed "MkFixed" [] Prefix