{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-unbox-small-strict-fields #-} -- Makes f2 a bit more challenging module Foo where h :: Int -> Int -> Bool h 0 y = y>0 h n y = h (n-1) y -- The main point: all of these functions can have the CPR property ------- f1 ----------- -- x is used strictly by h, so it'll be available -- unboxed before it is returned in the True branch f1 :: Int -> Int f1 x = case h x x of True -> x False -> f1 (x-1) ------- f2 ----------- -- x is a strict field of MkT2, so we'll pass it unboxed -- to $wf2, so it's available unboxed. This depends on -- the case expression analysing (a subcomponent of) one -- of the original arguments to the function, so it's -- a bit more delicate. data T2 = MkT2 !Int Int f2 :: T2 -> Int f2 (MkT2 x y) | y>0 = f2 (MkT2 x (y-1)) | y>1 = 1 | otherwise = x ------- f3 ----------- -- h is strict in x, so x will be unboxed before it -- is rerturned in the otherwise case. data T3 = MkT3 Int Int f1 :: T3 -> Int f1 (MkT3 x y) | h x y = f3 (MkT3 x (y-1)) | otherwise = x ------- f4 ----------- -- Just like f2, but MkT4 can't unbox its strict -- argument automatically, as f2 can data family Foo a newtype instance Foo Int = Foo Int data T4 a = MkT4 !(Foo a) Int f4 :: T4 Int -> Int f4 (MkT4 x@(Foo v) y) | y>0 = f4 (MkT4 x (y-1)) | otherwise = v