# Only compile with optimisation setTestOpts( only_ways(['optasm']) ) test('default', normal, compile, ['']) test('fact', normal, compile, ['']) test('fun', normal, compile, ['']) test('goo', normal, compile, ['']) test('ins', normal, compile, ['']) test('map', normal, compile, ['']) test('sim', normal, compile, ['']) test('str001', normal, compile, ['']) test('str002', normal, compile, ['']) test('syn', normal, compile, ['']) test('test', normal, compile, ['']) test('tst', normal, compile, ['']) test('unu', normal, compile, ['']) test('newtype', req_profiling, compile, ['-prof -fprof-auto']) test('T1988', normal, compile, ['']) test('T8467', normal, compile, ['']) test('T8037', normal, compile, ['']) test('T8743', [], multimod_compile, ['T8743', '-v0']) # T10482 # The intent here is to check that $wfoo has type # $wfoo :: Int# -> Int# -> Int # with two unboxed args. See #10482 for background # # Set -dppr-cols to ensure output doesn't wrap test('T10482', [ grep_errmsg(r'wfoo.*Int#') ], compile, ['-dppr-cols=200 -ddump-simpl']) test('T10482a', [ grep_errmsg(r'wf.*Int#') ], compile, ['-dppr-cols=200 -ddump-simpl']) test('T9208', when(compiler_debugged(), expect_broken(9208)), compile, ['']) # T9208 fails (and should do so) if you have assertion checking on in the compiler # Hence the above expect_broken. See comments in the ticket test('T10694', [ grep_errmsg(r'(Str|Cpr)=') ], compile, ['-dppr-cols=200 -ddump-simpl -dsuppress-uniques']) test('T11770', [ check_errmsg('OneShot') ], compile, ['-ddump-simpl']) test('T13031', normal, makefile_test, []) test('T13077', normal, compile, ['']) test('T13077a', normal, compile, ['']) # T15627 # Absent bindings of unlifted types should be WW'ed away. # The idea is to check that both $wmutVar and $warray # don't mention MutVar# and Array# anymore. test('T15627', [ grep_errmsg(r'(wmutVar|warray).*Int#') ], compile, ['-dppr-cols=200 -ddump-simpl']) # Absent bindings of unlifted newtypes are WW’ed away. test('T17852', [ grep_errmsg(r'\\$wf ::') ], compile, ['-ddump-worker-wrapper -dsuppress-idinfo']) test('T16029', normal, makefile_test, []) test('T10069', [ grep_errmsg(r'(wc1).*Int#$') ], compile, ['-dppr-cols=200 -ddump-simpl']) test('T13380b', [ grep_errmsg('bigDeadAction') ], compile, ['-dppr-cols=200 -ddump-simpl'])