{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module ArgsPlugin where -- base import Data.Maybe ( catMaybes ) -- ghc import GHC.Builtin.Types ( integerTy ) import GHC.Core ( Expr(Type) ) import GHC.Core.Class ( Class(..) ) import GHC.Core.DataCon ( classDataCon ) import GHC.Core.Make ( mkCoreConApps, mkIntegerExpr ) import GHC.Core.Type ( eqType ) import GHC.Plugins ( Plugin ) import GHC.Tc.Plugin ( TcPluginM, getTargetPlatform ) import GHC.Tc.Types ( TcPluginSolveResult(..) ) import GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint ( Ct(..) ) import GHC.Tc.Types.Evidence ( EvBindsVar, EvTerm(EvExpr) ) import GHC.Platform ( Platform ) -- common import Common ( PluginDefs(..) , mkPlugin, don'tRewrite ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This plugin solves Wanted constraints of the form "MyClass Integer", -- and supplies evidence that depends on the arguments to the plugin. -- -- To find such constraints, we traverse through the Wanteds provided -- to the plugin to find those whose name matches that of "MyClass", -- and check that it is applied to the type "Integer". -- -- We then construct a dictionary which is the integer that was passed -- as an argument to the plugin. plugin :: Plugin plugin = mkPlugin solver don'tRewrite -- Solve "MyClass Integer" with a class dictionary that depends on -- a plugin argument. solver :: [String] -> PluginDefs -> EvBindsVar -> [Ct] -> [Ct] -> TcPluginM TcPluginSolveResult solver args defs _ev _gs ws = do let argsVal :: Integer argsVal = case args of arg : _ -> read arg _ -> error "ArgsPlugin: expected at least one argument" platform <- getTargetPlatform solved <- catMaybes <$> traverse ( solveCt platform defs argsVal ) ws pure $ TcPluginOk solved [] solveCt :: Platform -> PluginDefs -> Integer -> Ct -> TcPluginM ( Maybe (EvTerm, Ct) ) solveCt platform ( PluginDefs {..} ) i ct@( CDictCan { cc_class, cc_tyargs } ) | className cc_class == className myClass , [tyArg] <- cc_tyargs , tyArg `eqType` integerTy , let evTerm :: EvTerm evTerm = EvExpr $ mkCoreConApps ( classDataCon cc_class ) [ Type integerTy, mkIntegerExpr platform i ] = pure $ Just ( evTerm, ct ) solveCt _ _ _ ct = pure Nothing