{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} module Common ( PluginDefs(..) , mkPlugin , don'tSolve, don'tRewrite ) where -- ghc import GHC.Core.Class ( Class ) import GHC.Core.DataCon ( promoteDataCon ) import GHC.Core.TyCon ( TyCon ) import GHC.Core.Type ( Type , mkTyConApp ) import GHC.Plugins ( Plugin(..) , defaultPlugin, purePlugin ) import GHC.Tc.Plugin ( TcPluginM , findImportedModule, lookupOrig , tcLookupClass, tcLookupDataCon, tcLookupTyCon ) import GHC.Tc.Types ( TcPlugin(..), TcPluginSolveResult(..), TcPluginRewriteResult(..) , TcPluginRewriter ) import GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint ( Ct ) import GHC.Tc.Types.Evidence ( EvBindsVar ) import GHC.Types.Name.Occurrence ( mkClsOcc, mkDataOcc, mkTcOcc ) import GHC.Types.Unique.FM ( UniqFM, emptyUFM ) import GHC.Types.PkgQual import GHC.Unit.Finder ( FindResult(..) ) import GHC.Unit.Module ( Module , mkModuleName ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This module defines some common operations so that each individual plugin -- doesn't have to do the same work over again: -- -- - lookup the names of things the plugins will use -- (the definitions are shared between most type-checking plugin tests) -- - create a type-checking plugin from a solver, taking care of passing -- the relevant data to the solver stage. data PluginDefs = PluginDefs { nullary :: !Class , myClass :: !Class , myTyFam :: !TyCon , nat :: !Type , zero :: !TyCon , succ :: !TyCon , add :: !TyCon , ctIdFam :: !TyCon } definitionsModule :: TcPluginM Module definitionsModule = do findResult <- findImportedModule ( mkModuleName "Definitions" ) NoPkgQual case findResult of Found _ res -> pure res FoundMultiple _ -> error $ "TcPlugin test: found multiple modules named 'Definitions'." _ -> error $ "TcPlugin test: could not find any module named 'Defintiions'." lookupDefs :: TcPluginM PluginDefs lookupDefs = do defs <- definitionsModule nullary <- tcLookupClass =<< lookupOrig defs ( mkClsOcc "Nullary" ) myClass <- tcLookupClass =<< lookupOrig defs ( mkClsOcc "MyClass" ) myTyFam <- tcLookupTyCon =<< lookupOrig defs ( mkTcOcc "MyTyFam" ) ( (`mkTyConApp` []) -> nat ) <- tcLookupTyCon =<< lookupOrig defs ( mkTcOcc "Nat" ) ( promoteDataCon -> zero ) <- tcLookupDataCon =<< lookupOrig defs ( mkDataOcc "Zero" ) ( promoteDataCon -> succ ) <- tcLookupDataCon =<< lookupOrig defs ( mkDataOcc "Succ" ) add <- tcLookupTyCon =<< lookupOrig defs ( mkTcOcc "Add" ) ctIdFam <- tcLookupTyCon =<< lookupOrig defs ( mkTcOcc "CtId" ) pure ( PluginDefs { .. } ) mkPlugin :: ( [String] -> PluginDefs -> EvBindsVar -> [Ct] -> [Ct] -> TcPluginM TcPluginSolveResult ) -> ( [String] -> PluginDefs -> UniqFM TyCon TcPluginRewriter ) -> Plugin mkPlugin solve rewrite = defaultPlugin { tcPlugin = \ args -> Just $ mkTcPlugin ( solve args ) ( rewrite args ) , pluginRecompile = purePlugin } mkTcPlugin :: ( PluginDefs -> EvBindsVar -> [Ct] -> [Ct] -> TcPluginM TcPluginSolveResult ) -> ( PluginDefs -> UniqFM TyCon TcPluginRewriter ) -> TcPlugin mkTcPlugin solve rewrite = TcPlugin { tcPluginInit = lookupDefs , tcPluginSolve = solve , tcPluginRewrite = rewrite , tcPluginStop = \ _ -> pure () } don'tSolve :: [String] -> s -> EvBindsVar -> [Ct] -> [Ct] -> TcPluginM TcPluginSolveResult don'tSolve _ _ _ _ _ = pure $ TcPluginOk [] [] don'tRewrite :: [String] -> s -> UniqFM TyCon TcPluginRewriter don'tRewrite _ _ = emptyUFM