{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} module RewritePerfPlugin where -- Testing performance of rewriting type-family applications. -- ghc import GHC.Core ( Expr(Coercion) ) import GHC.Core.Coercion ( mkUnivCo ) import GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep ( Type, UnivCoProvenance(PluginProv) ) import GHC.Core.TyCon ( TyCon ) import GHC.Core.Type ( eqType, mkTyConApp, splitTyConApp_maybe ) import GHC.Plugins ( Plugin(..), defaultPlugin, purePlugin ) import GHC.Tc.Plugin ( TcPluginM , findImportedModule, lookupOrig , tcLookupClass, tcLookupDataCon, tcLookupTyCon , unsafeTcPluginTcM ) import GHC.Tc.Types ( TcPlugin(..) , TcPluginSolveResult(..), TcPluginRewriteResult(..) , TcPluginRewriter, RewriteEnv ) import GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint ( Ct(..), CanEqLHS(..) , ctPred ) import GHC.Types.Name.Occurrence ( mkTcOcc ) import GHC.Types.Unique.FM ( UniqFM, listToUFM ) import GHC.Types.PkgQual import GHC.Unit.Finder ( FindResult(..) ) import GHC.Unit.Module ( Module , mkModuleName ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- In this test, we write a plugin which returns "TcPluginNoRewrite" -- for all the type families in RewritePerfDefs. -- -- Comparing the result with T9872b gives an indication of the performance -- impact of rewriting plugins in code that heavily rewrites type families. type PluginDefs = [ TyCon ] definitionsModule :: TcPluginM Module definitionsModule = do findResult <- findImportedModule ( mkModuleName "RewritePerfDefs" ) NoPkgQual case findResult of Found _ res -> pure res FoundMultiple _ -> error $ "RewritePerfPlugin: found multiple modules named 'RewritePerfDefs'." _ -> error $ "RewritePerfPlugin: could not find any module named 'RewritePerfDefs'." lookupDefs :: TcPluginM PluginDefs lookupDefs = do defs <- definitionsModule traverse ( \ tyConName -> lookupOrig defs ( mkTcOcc tyConName ) >>= tcLookupTyCon ) [ "And", "NE", "EQ", "All", "ListConcat", "AppendIf", "Apply" , "Map", "MapAppend", "MapAppend2", "MapAppend3" , "Iterate2", "Iterate3", "Iterate4" , "Orientations", "Compatible", "Allowed" , "MatchingOrientations", "AllowedCombinations" , "Solutions" ] plugin :: Plugin plugin = defaultPlugin { tcPlugin = \ _args -> Just $ rewritingPlugin , pluginRecompile = purePlugin } rewritingPlugin :: TcPlugin rewritingPlugin = TcPlugin { tcPluginInit = lookupDefs , tcPluginSolve = \ _ _ _ _ -> pure $ TcPluginOk [] [] , tcPluginRewrite = rewriter , tcPluginStop = \ _ -> pure () } rewriter :: PluginDefs -> UniqFM TyCon TcPluginRewriter rewriter tyCons = listToUFM $ map ( , don'tRewrite ) tyCons don'tRewrite :: RewriteEnv -> [ Ct ] -> [ Type ] -> TcPluginM TcPluginRewriteResult don'tRewrite _ _ _ = pure TcPluginNoRewrite