{-# LANGUAGE GHCForeignImportPrim, UnliftedFFITypes, QuasiQuotes, MagicHash #-} import Language.Haskell.TH import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax import GHC.Exts {- the prim and javascript calling conventions do not support headers and the static keyword. -} -- check that quasiquoting roundtrips successfully and that the declaration -- does not include the static keyword test1 :: String test1 = $(do (ds@[ForeignD (ImportF _ _ p _ _)]) <- [d| foreign import prim "test1" cmm_test1 :: Int# -> Int# |] addTopDecls ds case p of "test1" -> return (LitE . stringL $ p) _ -> error $ "unexpected value: " ++ show p ) -- check that constructed prim imports with the static keyword are rejected test2 :: String test2 = $(do t <- [t| Int# -> Int# |] cmm_test2 <- newName "cmm_test2" addTopDecls [ForeignD (ImportF Prim Safe "static test2" cmm_test2 t)] [| test1 |] )