T18102.hs:11:22: error: • Not in scope: ‘ifThenElse’ • In the Template Haskell quotation [|| if True then 10 else 15 ||] In the typed splice: $$(do _stuff <- [|| if True then 10 else 15 ||] return []) T18102.hs:11:35: error: • Not in scope: ‘fromInteger’ Perhaps you want to add ‘fromInteger’ to the import list in the import of ‘Prelude’ (T18102.hs:5:1-50). • In the Template Haskell quotation [|| if True then 10 else 15 ||] In the typed splice: $$(do _stuff <- [|| if True then 10 else 15 ||] return []) T18102.hs:11:43: error: • Not in scope: ‘fromInteger’ Perhaps you want to add ‘fromInteger’ to the import list in the import of ‘Prelude’ (T18102.hs:5:1-50). • In the Template Haskell quotation [|| if True then 10 else 15 ||] In the typed splice: $$(do _stuff <- [|| if True then 10 else 15 ||] return [])