-- test reification of data declarations {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, TypeApplications, PolyKinds #-} module TH_reifyDecl1 where import Data.Kind as K import System.IO import Language.Haskell.TH import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ infixl 3 `m1` -- simple data T = A | B -- parametric data R a = C a | D -- recursive data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a) -- infix operator data Tree a = Leaf | Tree a :+: Tree a -- type declaration type IntList = [Int] -- newtype declaration newtype Length = Length Int -- simple class class C1 a where m1 :: a -> Int -- class with instances class C2 a where m2 :: a -> Int instance C2 Int where m2 x = x -- associated types class C3 a where type AT1 a data AT2 a instance C3 Int where type AT1 Int = Bool data AT2 Int = AT2Int -- type family type family TF1 a -- type family, with instances type family TF2 a type instance TF2 Bool = Bool -- data family data family DF1 a -- data family, with instances data family DF2 a data instance DF2 Bool = DBool data family DF3 (a :: k) data instance DF3 @K.Type a = DF3Bool data instance DF3 @(K.Type -> K.Type) b = DF3Char $(return []) test :: () test = $(let display :: Name -> Q () display q = do { i <- reify q; runIO $ hPutStrLn stderr (pprint i) } in do { display ''T ; display ''R ; display ''List ; display ''Tree ; display ''IntList ; display ''Length ; display 'Leaf ; display 'm1 ; display ''C1 ; display ''C2 ; display ''C3 ; display ''AT1 ; display ''AT2 ; display ''TF1 ; display ''TF2 ; display ''DF1 ; display ''DF2 ; display ''DF3 ; [| () |] })