module TH_repPatSig_asserts where import Language.Haskell.TH assertFoo :: Q [Dec] -> Q [Dec] assertFoo decsQ = do decs <- decsQ case decs of [ SigD _ (AppT (AppT ArrowT (ConT t1)) (ConT t2)), FunD _ [Clause [SigP (VarP _) (ConT t3)] (NormalB (VarE _)) []] ] | t1 == ''Int && t2 == ''Int && t3 == ''Int -> return [] _ -> do reportError $ "Unexpected quote contents: " ++ show decs return [] assertCon :: Q Exp -> Q [Dec] assertCon expQ = do exp <- expQ case exp of LamE [SigP (VarP _) (AppT (AppT ArrowT (AppT (AppT (ConT eitherT) (ConT charT1)) (ConT intT1))) (AppT (AppT (TupleT 2) (ConT charT2)) (ConT intT2)))] (VarE _) | eitherT == ''Either && charT1 == ''Char && charT2 == ''Char && intT1 == ''Int && intT2 == ''Int -> return [] _ -> do reportError $ "Unexpected quote contents: " ++ show exp return [] assertVar :: Q Exp -> Q [Dec] assertVar expQ = do exp <- expQ case exp of LamE [SigP (VarP x) (AppT (ConT _) (VarT a))] (CaseE (VarE x1) [Match (ConP _ [] [VarP y]) (NormalB (SigE (VarE y1) (VarT a1))) []]) | x1 == x && y1 == y && a1 == a -> return [] _ -> do reportError $ "Unexpected quote contents: " ++ show exp return []