T20969.hs:10:40: error: [GHC-39999] • No instance for ‘TH.Lift a’ arising from a use of ‘TH.liftTyped’ • In the expression: TH.liftTyped _ :: TH.Code TH.Q a In the first argument of ‘fromList’, namely ‘[TH.liftTyped _ :: TH.Code TH.Q a, [|| x ||]]’ In the first argument of ‘sequenceCode’, namely ‘(fromList [TH.liftTyped _ :: TH.Code TH.Q a, [|| x ||]])’ T20969.hs:10:53: error: [GHC-88464] • Found hole: _ :: a Where: ‘a’ is a rigid type variable bound by the type signature for: glumber :: forall a. Num a => a -> Seq a at T20969.hs:9:1-40 • In the first argument of ‘TH.liftTyped’, namely ‘_’ In the expression: TH.liftTyped _ :: TH.Code TH.Q a In the first argument of ‘fromList’, namely ‘[TH.liftTyped _ :: TH.Code TH.Q a, [|| x ||]]’ • Relevant bindings include x :: a (bound at T20969.hs:10:9) glumber :: a -> Seq a (bound at T20969.hs:10:1) Valid hole fits include x :: a (bound at T20969.hs:10:9)